HELP, Caluerpa out of control!!!!!!!


I placed a handful of grape caluerpa in my display tank a few months ago and now it is nearing plague proportions. It is everywhere, I have to pull as much as I can off every week just so I can see my live rock and corals. Does anything eat the stuff? I cannot seem to pull enough out of the tank to keep it under control. Please help, I am desperate!

old hermit

i dont know this from experience but i think tangs will eat that stuff up. maybe someone else will correct me if im wrong. hth


oh yeah!!!! i have a naso and it ate all of my caluerpa. it wasn't eating it at first by i cut down on the frozen stuff and the rest was history(thats the caluerpa)... now i'm trying to grow more!!!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
Best reason I know of NOT to put calupera in the display. The stuff can over run a system in no time. Tangs will eat it...cut back on their normal feeding and they will munch the calupera...and manually remove it as you can. My caluperas are in a refugium...from time to time some will make its way to the display...but my crabs and coral beauty make quick work of it...and I remove some about once a week to feed the yellow tang in my fish only community system....he loves the stuff!! :cool:


I have the exact same problem! I put in a purple tang and he wont touch the stuff. Just picks around the WEED to get to the live rock.
Good luck in trying to get rid of the stuff. I have to prune mine every 3 days.


I keep mine in the return side of the back pac. I tried putting some in the show tank, but the tang ate it all. So now, I put in some out of the skimmer every week or so for the evil tang to eat.
I would pull out as much as you can and watch the rest closley. Do not let it go sexual, if it does, it will spread even more.


Is any Tang better at keeping it under control? Someone mentioned that their purple wouldn't touch it.
The stuff doesnt have a chance around my yellow tang. I so badly want to grow some in my tank, but no luck as long as the yellow tang is around!


Active Member
The yellow tand or the yellow eyed tang. Either will more than likely knock fire out of it. I have to trim my refugium at least once a month do some culerpa. I have several diffrent kinds and all will take over if you let it.