Help...cannot reattach finger leather!


Hello all,
I have tried the toothpick method twice without success. I cannot get my finger leather frag to attach to a piece of rock. The coral is not looking real good and I don;t want to call it a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


hi, this may sound weird, but in the past i have superglued shrooms to rocks before,
i dont know what this toothpick method, but perhapse you could do both.


Just find a piece of rock with a crevasse or hole and wedge it in. It will attach in no time. I frag mine all the time and it works every time.


I've tried that, but after a day it falls out! I'd really like to attach it to a small rock that I can trade to my LFS for credit. What started as a 4-5" leather is now over 12". It's taking over my 29gal. tank!


try pileing it on lik 3 small rocks wedged under 3 small rocks and rubberband the hell outta the rocks so they stay together


Active Member
Cut base to fit snug against piece of liverock, and use two or three long hyperdermic needles to secure it in place, or yu can take a tooth pick and push it through the stalk from one side to the other, then use a rubber band to loop on one end of the protuding toothpick, under and around the rock and hook the rubber band to the other end of the toothpick.Works like a champ. Just make sure your rubber band is not all that tight so it does not pull the toothpick downwards and make the holes its poked through elongated. It does not take much tension on the rubber band to hold it against the rock. YOu can then bury the rock w/leather in the sand bed to hold it upright until its attached.


Active Member
if its small enough you can take a styrofoam cup and cut it in half and then take a small oyster shell or some other peice of LR and place it in the cup with the peoce of lr on the bottom of the cup and then place sand or what ever around it. i do that with most of my frags and it always works takes about 2-3 days usuallt to attach. Try that and see if it works. Are you in NC? just wondering by your name.


Thanks for the suggestion, the toothpick and rubber band, and the wedging it in a hole has not worked so I'll give that a try.
As for the name, I'm not in NC, but I'm pretty sure I know who your thinking of. We're in the same business.


Active Member
well good luck on trying that. i just fragged 3 things and this is day 2 and all but one have attached. I try and use small shells or parts of oyster shells. it usually works good.


If you get a face net or veil mosquito netting but wash it first you can cut a piece of it and rubberband the net to hold the item down and they still get good light and water flow I did this for a mushroom and it took in three days and is doing excelent. I tried the tooth pic and the shroom ripped off so no more tooth picks for me.
Good luck