help! cant find the info on the board ( sand)


im going out and buying sand for my 150 gallon. we have CC in our 50 and we are doing arg in our 150. what kind of sand do i need? we are going to put a layer of LS on the top. what kind of sand do i need to get
i called home depot to see what they had and they said they do not sell play sand due to lawsutes because of the silica? idk so what can i buy at home depot or lows?
quicker resp the better i need to get it bough in the next few hours due to our fish guy coming over tonight to do agstm to the tank


Agramax base sand look 4 at lfs. Get maybe 10 lbs live sand to seed the base sand. Local pet stores should have it. Use the lr/ls button to the left to figure out how much you need.


I heard bad things about play sand. Do a search for it and see what you can find on it.


Active Member
If you want to learn more than you care to about sand do a search on this site for vinegar , then do a search for Southdown. Both of those searches will bring up threads where the topic of sand has been discussed in detail.
Good luck.


Active Member
You should not use anything other than a coral based sand in a saltwater aquarium. SAND including SANDBOX SAND, doesnt help buff the water like a coral based sand does. Depending on what fish you are keeping in your tank, determines what type of size of gravel you will need. If you are going to have fish that like to bury and shovel gravel through there gills such as diamond gobies or wrasses that love to burry themselves, then going with a more fine such as sugar sized so that they do not hurt themselves or scratch will trying to dig. Now if you are going with fish that are not so delicate, then maybe something larger.


Active Member
Unless you plan on having species that require a deep sand bend for cover save your money and layer in just enough sand to cover the bottom of the tank. If the look does not bother you consider even bare bottom.
IMO the benefits of sand beds are far outweighed by the fact that they all become nutrient sinks of one degree or another. If you want a DSB for nitrate export, which does work, keep it in the sump where it can be cut off from the system and replaced when necessary.
FME even small in sump DSBs 4x8 inches will function to export nitrates in tanks up to 150 gallons.