I tried the food in the net idea to try and remove a blue damsel. Couldn't keep the sailfin out the net! At least I know that I'll be able to catch the sailfin easy if I ever need to. I plan to keep using a net to feed the fish. I figure they'll all get used to it eventually.
There is another method :
After turning off the light for 1 hrs. Preparing a big transparent plastic bag and put it into the water. Then turn on the light. Just use a stick to force the fish swimming arround. Then u can catch the fish u want. It's so easy to catch the fish and the way will not hurt any...
I used this way to catch fishes many times from my 130 gallon with 150 lb life rocks.
another method that works great but u have to be brave is to open the lid and when the fish is skimming the top put ur hands around tank and try and bob for it its great fun for you and your fish
<img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />
The way to catch the shimp and crab:
after drinking off the cola,7-up...bra bra. use the bottle and cut the gap(indentation) as big as the being ,and put some food (meat) inside. then u can get them in the night. ( U need some patient)...