*~* HELP!! Caulerpa went sexual!! *~*


As you can tell by my title, the caulerpa in my 14 gallon Biocube went sexual. I came into work this morning and saw that most of it was turning into a whiteish/yellowish goo. Some of it was still dark green. I manually removed all of it (as far as I can see) and plan to do a water change at noon. Nothing in my tank so far (knock on wood) is acting out of the ordinary. (Fish active, swimming around, eating fine; corals all open and "happy")
I've heard nightmares about caulerpa going sexual and causing tanks to crash. Is this going to happen to mine?? I have a 14 gallon Biocube that has been up for 6 months, with a percula clownfish, sixline wrasse and midas blenny. CUC; fire shrimp, various hermit crabs, 4 astrea snails. I also have corals; xenia, candy canes, zoos, mushrooms, gsp, pink open brain coral, octobubble coral.
I haven't checked my parameters yet (will before my noon water change) but was wondering if anyone could help me... tell me what to do to prevent my tank from crashing. I already removed the caulerpa. Is there anything else that I need to do before my water change???
I appreciate any and all responses!


Active Member
it could crash your tank as it has now dumped all the stuff it had absorbed back into your tank. massive waterchange and running lots of fresh carbon, will help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Big water change and lots of fresh carbon will help.
HAH beat you to it, by a couple seconds.


Wow, thanks for the quick replies!

The caulerpa that I had was the grape caulerpa. Think my babies will be okay for me to wait til noon (hour and a half from now) for me to do my water change? I can't do it right now because I am a nurse and have patients until then, otherwise, I'd do it right away.
My water is still clear and nothing looks out of the ordinary right now. Is there anything that I should "look" for that would indicate immediate danger??


Active Member
Originally Posted by xokarmaxo
Wow, thanks for the quick replies!

The caulerpa that I had was the grape caulerpa. Think my babies will be okay for me to wait til noon (hour and a half from now) for me to do my water change? I can't do it right now because I am a nurse and have patients until then, otherwise, I'd do it right away.
My water is still clear and nothing looks out of the ordinary right now. Is there anything that I should "look" for that would indicate immediate danger??

No, if there was immediate danger, the fish would be gasping. Otherwise, you are fine until noon.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
No, if there was immediate danger, the fish would be gasping. Otherwise, you are fine until noon.
Thanks so much for reassuring me.
I'll update this thread if anything happens.


Okay.... did my water change at noon and just checked my parameters.
Temp 80.2
SG 1.024
Ammonia: 0
PH 8.2
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10-20
Calcium: 350 (low, I know :(
Fishies are all swimming fine, active.... inverts active.... corals all open and "happy". No traces of caulerpa visible. Water clarity still clear.
Is the worst part over with if it were going to crash my tank? Or, can that still be yet to come?