help choosing fish for 24g!


i have a 24g tank with 25 pounds of LR AND LS
what fish do you think i should get
a pair of percula clowns
1 firefish goby
1 purple firefish goby
1 bangaii cardinal(my sister wants me to get one)
1 lawnmower blenny
1 coral beauty
1 valentini puffer (i dont know if this would work)
1 royal gramma
1 yellow watchman goby
i will not put all of these fish in only 4 but please help me decide which ones to put in


clowns are nice addition to almost any tank
firefish... if ure gonna get em.. get them the same color
i think bangais are just ugly
lawnmower blenny. people seem to like them alot but i think they need a lot of live rock like a lot!
coral beauty not exactly reef safe, borderline for that tank size
no puffer
royal gramma, awesome fish
goby.. never had but people seem to like em
id go with
pair of clowns and the coral beauty
i know thats not the 4 fish u wanted but the coral beauty will get bigger and will need more room

30-xtra high

Active Member
definatly not the coral beauty!, they need 55 gallons or larger, its not their size that matters, its the fact that they need a certain amount of marine algae for them to graze on, i'd say a pair of perc clowns, a royal gramma, and a yellow watchman.


yeah thats what i was thinking
but instead of a royal gramma some kind of pseudicromis or a firefish


Hi there
Why not a Yellow Watch man Goby or a Bicolor Blenny......I have both and they are soooo cute, specially the Blenny. This guy has great personality...the midas Blenny is also very cute.
Good luck.

30-xtra high

Active Member
the bicolor is an awesome fish, full of spunk and nice looking, just make sure you have alot of live rock for him


I have a puple firefish, 2 clown fish, a coral beauty angle fish, and a mandrin blemy in my 29 gallon tank. The purlpe fiefish are very bright, and they add a lot to the look of a tank. The clowns are great too!


i like the purple firefish and clowns but the mandarin goby needs too much LR and the coral beauty needs a bigger tank
but a smaller fish like yellow watchman goby would be cool


Originally Posted by joebob7
i like the purple firefish and clowns but the mandarin goby needs too much LR and the coral beauty needs a bigger tank
but a smaller fish like yellow watchman goby would be cool
IMO you could do a coral beauty in your tank as long as theres only 1 or 2 other small fish


I like Diamond Gobies (orange spotted goby). They have tons of personality. Make sure your tank is covered though as they are jumpers. One of my favorite fish I have ever owned!!


I have a mated pair of Yellow Watchmen gobies they are a great deal of fun to watch.
Before my Sixline Wrasse went on a killing spree I had 2 ocellaris clowns that were excellent as well as a small citron goby that perched adorably on everything.
ATM I have the two original watchmen and a couple small juvenile damsels that will be removed when I start renovating the tank.