help choosing fish for 24g!


Originally Posted by chull13
I like Diamond Gobies (orange spotted goby). They have tons of personality. Make sure your tank is covered though as they are jumpers. One of my favorite fish I have ever owned!!
Need lots of sand to sift (if its the fish i'm thinking) mature tanks are much better for them.


No I just bought the Watchmans when they were very young, they seem to have done just fine with eachother, they havent spawned yet as I think they are still a bit young.
I never had any problems with them fighting, they have tons of sand to sift and all kinds of rock to burrow under so maybe it keeps them busy haha.


Active Member
No, I was asking about the red sea mimic blenny being aggressive...not the yellow watchman gobies....


New Member
Really, IMO the best thing to do is go shopping, the fish you see that you really like ask a trusted person itll do. I made the mistake of putting a yellow tang in my 24gal Odysea...traded him back in..Clowns are the best bet, I have 2 Percula and 1 pink skunk, introduced at different times and get along quite well...good luck