Help!!! Clowns Fighting Each Other!


I have 2 false percula clownfish (rather big) and one goldstripe maroon clown (rather small)in my tank currently. They all seem to get along great. The maroon stays to himself and the 2 perculas roam together.
Today I bought from a lfs another maroon clown about the same size of my percula's. The new one has been picked on horribly by the 2 perculas.
What can I do? I don't want the new one murdered.


take the to perc's put for a few weeks. they will forget where they where. thus forget there territory also giving other time to ajust and heal then add them back in and see what happens.
If you get the same results you might have to deside which do you want more

good luck with this man it suck when this happens with fish.


Active Member
They will be fine in the sump, (block the intakes) so they dont get sucked up.
You need to find a home for the pair of percula's or the gold stripes, they will end up fighting non stop. FYI, gold stripes are known for being the most agressive. Mine is about 3 inches and is a monster consantly attacking me, but he is pretty. If you keep the two gold stripes they could end up pairing up together or fighting , it's a toss up.


Originally Posted by mie
They will be fine in the sump, (block the intakes) so they dont get sucked up.
You need to find a home for the pair of percula's or the gold stripes, they will end up fighting non stop. FYI, gold stripes are known for being the most agressive. Mine is about 3 inches and is a monster consantly attacking me, but he is pretty. If you keep the two gold stripes they could end up pairing up together or fighting , it's a toss up.
Right now the 2 maroons are in the tank and getting along good. The new one is quite a bit bigger than the one I had in the tank... it was a baby. They are getting along good now and have for the past few hours. The percs are in the sump and I have the intake blocked with foam.
I think I am going to set up a ten gallon tank for the perculas. I have an extra tank I just need to get it ready.


Active Member
So both your maroons are GSMs, right?
How big is your tank?
Most likely you will not be able to reintroduce the false percs. Your maroons may kill the other clowns if reintroduced.


Active Member
The ten gallon will suite the false percs fine, you can even keep it simple with some mushrooms and easy low light softies the percs will more than likely host the larger of the mushrooms.
As for the gold stripes, watch them for agression, some agressive behavior just might be to establish dominance, just keep a close eye on them.


Also your 55 gallon tank is too small for 4 clowns, the GSM needs a 55 gallon tank or larger, so you should probably only keep the maroons in there, they will definately kill the percs if you try to reintroduce them.
The 10 gallon sounds good for the percs. It could be their private haven, if you get some good lighting you could even get them a BTA after the tank is established.


Thanks for the help everyone!
Would it work if I would go to my lfs and get one of those hang on the side nets and put the percs in the net for a week or would they still fight?


Originally Posted by Racin24fan
Thanks for the help everyone!
Would it work if I would go to my lfs and get one of those hang on the side nets and put the percs in the net for a week or would they still fight?
Not sure what you mean by net. Are you talking about in tank fuge? If there is good physical separation, then you can do it. However, long term, you have to decide which clown pair you want. False percs are already the most peaceful and I'm sure the maroon can hold his own but you really shouldn't have mixed clown pairs in such a small tank. I'm not even sure 120G could hold this combo together.


Active Member
#1 rule concerning clownfish: never mix species, it seldom works, except in huge tanks. #2 rule: don't have more than one adult of any species, unless they are a mated pair. Years ago, I had a maroon kill a new maroon while it was still in the plastic bag.