OK - now we know that you are dealing with ich, and the steps are pretty straightforward from here on out. You can use hyposalinity (preferred) or treat with copper (actually, much more difficult to do properly). Put a piece of 3 inch PVC piping in the QT to give the fish someplace to hide. You will need to treat for 3 weeks to be sure all the parasites are dead. But your fish will have to remain out of your display tank for 6 weeks to allow the parasites in there to die for lack of a host. Take a look at the stickey at the top of this forum for details on how to perform hyposalinity. If you do get an ammonium/nitrite spike, use Amquel Plus to get through the crisis, and keep a QT ready for use at all times in the future.
The advice about raising the temperature just tells you that the lfs you are dealing with doesn't appreciate the difference between fresh water and marine fish. Marine ich is not killed by elevated temperature. All that happens is that the fish are stressed, and the ich gets worse. Read the stickey, get a refractometer, begin hypo and keep posting your questions to the folks on this board. There are some really knowledgeable people here who give the information away without the need to make a sale. Good luck!