Originally Posted by yaleman
I have had the same bulbs for about 8-10 months. They are 175watt, 14k metal halides. A couple of days ago, one of the bulbs exploded - I think one of the fish kicked water up at it. I changed all the bulbs to 175watt, 10k metal halides. Everything was starting to look pretty bad where the broken bulb was at, but now it looks even worse???!!! Alot of the coral looks like it's dying??? For example, I have a huge layout of green star polyps that have always been healthy and rapidly growing. They have not opened for days!!!! My elegance looks like it's almost dead and my stoni's don't look so hot aswell... aaaaaahhhhh!!!!
Hmmm, I'm not a lighting expert in the least. But I'll try my hand here. I wonder if the different spectrum, going from 14k to 10k is the reason, not to mention the newer bulbs. I know that when I upgraded lighting, I placed 3 sheets of screening over the tank and took a sheet off every 3 days...that seemed to work fine. Maybe give your corals a "day off" tomorrow and leave them under just actinics (if you have them). The next day, start with the 3 sheets of screening (just regular window screen laid over the tank between the water and the mh lights). Take a sheet of screening off every 3 days after the halides go off.
I hope this helps...and that I made myself clear on what to do.