1. Tank size
- 90gal, with 2 x 250W HQI light
2. Tank inhabitants
- Total 15 fishes. Blue tang, yellow tang, 4 anthias, 3 blennies, 2 clowns and lots crabs and snails.
3. Water parameters
- Cal =450
- Alk = 9.8
- Mag = 1350
- pH = 8.3
- nitrate = 25ppm
4. What corals or fish have died
- 6 to 10 snails died.
Two 4-5” clams did not response or close when I touch them
- Most corals are closed for about 3-4 days now.
5. Filtration
- 35 gal sump, with MSX200 skimmer and refugium with cheato.
6. Age of the tank
- 1 yr old tank