HELP.. Corals getting eaten


I have an elegant coral and a BABY clown trigger i my tank. And the clown trigger ate half of my elegant. Will the coral die? Or does the part that has not been eaten have a chance to live? And will the dead part ever grow back?:help:


Active Member
Hmm, who suggested to you that the clown trigger was reef safe?
I'd bet the farm that as along as you have that trigger (any trigger) your going to have coral problems

nm reef

Active Member
"Any fish will eat what is around when it's hungry!"
That is not entirely true! There are numerous fish that are reef compatable and pose absolutely no threat to corals. But...a clown trigger is not one of them.
A elegance coral can be a very difficult species to keep even under the best of conditions but I doubt if one would survive long in a system where a fish has developed a taste for it. When they are healthy and provided proper conditions they can thrive...but when under stress or when not provided proper conditions...or when damaged...they have a very poor survival record. I'd think your elegance is in serious trouble...and personally I'd either keep corals or the clown trigger...not both in the same system.


Thanks everyone, I knew triggers werent reef safe as adults, but my LFS said you can keep them in there while they are small (so much for that) I'm just keeping it in my reef tank until my 55 gallon is ready for it. How long should i keep my 55 running until it is ready for the clown trigger?:notsure:


2 of my LFS's said after the cycle is complete. its been up now for like 2 weeks. Should i trust my fish stores w/ what they r saying? Thanks in adv.