HELP! Cotton Wool Disease


I think my Queen angel has cotton wool disease. How can I treat it? Should I treat the whole tank or move him to a quarintine tank? I'll try to get a picture.


Active Member
Does the fish have any other symptoms? Is it still eating well.
How are your water readings?.
If your readings are good, the fish is behaving normally, and everything else in the tank is fine, I would think this might be lymphocystis. Check out the diseased fish sticky at the top of the forum for a picture of this disease. This disease does not require treatment.
If your water readings are off (or if other fish are also ill), then I would favor a bacterial infection. A nice water change may help. If not, the fish may have to be isolated and treated with antibiotics.
More information would be helpful.


The fish is acting great and the water is perfect. He still eats good, even takes food from other fish. I did a 20% water change and treated the tank with Maracyn plus antibacteria. I soaked his food in garlic too. I'm hoping this will get rid of the fungus.


Active Member
It is usually not recommended to use antibiotics in a display tank.
I do not believe that this is fungal. Fungal diseases are quite rare in marine aquaria because the salt prevents most species of fungus from growing. Either of the possibilities that I mentioned can look like a bread mold fungus.
Based on the information you presented, lymphocystis is most likely. This is a viral disease and will usually get better on its own with just good attention to reducing stress to the fish (ie. good water quality, varied diet, avoiding overstocking or aggression, etc.. It is one of the few marine diseases which can arise spontaneously in a tank. It is very rarely a major problem.


Active Member
It's your tank. I probably would if it were my tank. I would watch the fish closely and make sure that it got excellent nutrition. If the disease seemed to progress, then I would isolate the fish and use Maracyn 2 at double strength.