Help! Crack in New Tank... Suggestions Needed...


I looked over my 29 BioCube the other day before setup and found a Small Crack in the bottom of the tank so I called the LFS it was purchased from. The LFS is telling me his supplier isn’t carrying BioCubes anymore. He can take the tank back and exchange for something else, but in order to get another BioCube, I might have to wait 6-8 more weeks while he sets up another supplier.

Since I want to have MH lighting on the Tank, I was thinking I would save time and just get a 24 Gallon setup. :thinking:
The LFS is suggesting the 24 Gallon “Nano Cube” over the 24 Gallon AquaPod... What is the better way to go?
Also, the LFS is looking into a distributor for the Finnex M-Tanks, but is also not sure on how soon he can have them in stock, nor do I know if I can afford the price difference.
What should I do? :help:


Active Member
I certainly would not go with a JBJ Nano cube, they are perhaps the most notorious tanks of all for cracking, even a few months after its setup for no apparent reason. I have to believe yur lfs is making more profit off the JBJ NAno than the Oceanic Bio Cube. The Oceanic is a better tank overall. Are yu dead sure its a crack and not a splatter of sealant? Finnex perhaps is the best bet. I have two finnex M tanks. They cost a bit more, but leaks and cracks are virtually non existent with them.
Don't jump just to buy a tank. IMHO Look at a regular 30 gal cube by oceanic add a Coralife or CurrentUSA light to it, and a skimmer and yu have what yu need and no fear of leaks or other inherent problems the nano type cubes seem to be possesed with. Better quality all the way around and probbaly not any more expensive considering yu now have a skimmer to.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
I certainly would not go with a JBJ Nano cube, they are perhaps the most notorious tanks of all for cracking, even a few months after its setup for no apparent reason. I have to believe yur lfs is making more profit off the JBJ NAno than the Oceanic Bio Cube. The Oceanic is a better tank overall. Are yu dead sure its a crack and not a splatter of sealant? Finnex perhaps is the best bet. I have two finnex M tanks. They cost a bit more, but leaks and cracks are virtually non existent with them.
Don't jump just to buy a tank. IMHO Look at a regular 30 gal cube by oceanic add a Coralife or CurrentUSA light to it, and a skimmer and yu have what yu need and no fear of leaks or other inherent problems the nano type cubes seem to be possesed with. Better quality all the way around and probbaly not any more expensive considering yu now have a skimmer to.
The 29 BioCube was a X-mas present.I do like the looks of the Nano, AquaPod, BioCube, M-Tanks, etc. and that is why they bought me the BioCube.
Where did you buy your M-Tanks? LFS or online?
I Can't find them anywhere online, but the tuners website and big

Can you email me places to find them?
Also, how much did you pay for your setups and what models do you have?


Anyone else? I know a lot of people have AquaPods and JBJ Nano’s on here.

I need to figure out what I’m doing soon so I can either get my money back or apply it to a different tank setup.
The AquaPod only comes with a 70W MH and is about $300.00. Is a 70W MH even enough light on a 24?
The Nano comes with a 150W MH and is $315.00.
I might just stick it out and try to get another 29G BioCube and add a MH Light. My Credit for the cracked tank is $215.00.
I don’t want to spend more than $400.00 either way I go, so I need some advise…

I also need to move my current 25 Gallon office tank to a new location within the next few weeks to make room for more shelving where it currently sits and I would like to replace it with a new cube, especially since it was a X-mas present.


I have the 24 aquapod and love it.
70w of Metal Halide is quite fine, although if you want to grow SPS or anything I would recommend 150, my 24 is the greatest little tank ever.
You can see pictures of it if you search for my name (Nudilove)
I would go for the halides if you can.


How long has your tank been up and running? What year Make is the tank?
I did find a 24 AquaPod with 150W MH online for $330.00... I will have to see what it will cost to buy it from my LFS.


I have a 24 gallon nano witht he 150 watt sunpod on it & have not 1 problem at all out of my nano cube. I like the look of it over the aquapod also. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have.


Thanks for the info...
Depending on their shipping, I will probably go with the Dr. guys over the other online store that I found this setup at for the same price plus $40.00 to ship it...
Anyone here want to Chime in about the Finnex Brand Tanks or a different tank I should go with?


Active Member
From what I understand talking to a few LFS here the problem some of these tanks have is the heat generated on glass which may have a slight scratch etc in it is whats causing these tanks no matter what brand it is to crack. That was one reason JBJ now voids warranty on entire tank if more light is added over as shipped stock tanks where before they did not void any warranty on anaything but what was modified.....
IMHO Finnex is by all accounts best setup. Red Sea also makes a all-in-one setup as well but its 34 gal IIRC. It "appears" to be better than any of the other three Bio Cube, Aqua Pod, Nano Cube.
At least on the Red Sea and finnex your getting better component items like pumps etc, and also ballasts and fans...which are all weak areas on these other tanks....cracking issues aside.


Active Member
Here is a copy paste on the Redm Sea MAx nano (actuallay bit bigger tan a NANO) tank that is now out. It won a bunch of awards and a google search will show you lots of pics of this tank., Its a good looking setup for sure, and lots of good reviews. BUT..its still a relatively new item.....but it sure looks like Red Sea did their homework on this one and took their time to produce a quality well thought out product.
The winner of the aquatics section of the Glee New Products Awards was won by Red Sea with their Red Sea Max nano tank.
"It is great for the beginner, but still has everything you need for the expert. As a one plug marine aquarium that includes a skimmer and T5 lighting, it's quite outstanding," said Simon Langdale who judged the aquatics category.
However, this marine nano tank isn't so "nano" with external dimensions of 608 x 500 x 612mm with a total capacity of 130 litres, but as Red Sea state, it is a sensibly sized nano reef and the size of the tank has enabled them to fit a number of valuable features. Firstly is the fact that it comes with a large, built-in protein skimmer powered by a "turbo injected" pump.
This alone could make it a more stable option that many other models available, but it also includes an adjustable surface skimmer, two 550 lph circulation pumps, mechanical, chemical and biological media, and all that is built into a compartment in the back of the tank, out of the way. The compartment has room for a heater and a chiller pump if necessary.
The hood provides access to the skimmer and lifts at the front for feeding and cleaning, but it can rise up on clever hinges providing full access to the tank.
Inside the hood there is 10,000K actinic and LED moonlighting and all can be programmed by an integrated timer. All plugs and cables are concealed within a panel at the side of the tank and can be removed and changed at your leisure.
This neat panel also means that only one power cable has to be plugged in, and there doesn't seem to be anything that the people at Red Sea haven't thought of, included, or overcome.
(The glass thickness is over 1/16" or 2+mm thicker than the other tanks out there in the all in one catagory)


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Here is a copy paste on the Redm Sea MAx nano (actuallay bit bigger tan a NANO) tank that is now out. It won a bunch of awards and a google search will show you lots of pics of this tank., Its a good looking setup for sure, and lots of good reviews. BUT..its still a relatively new item.....but it sure looks like Red Sea did their homework on this one and took their time to produce a quality well thought out product.
The winner of the aquatics section of the Glee New Products Awards was won by Red Sea with their Red Sea Max nano tank.
"It is great for the beginner, but still has everything you need for the expert. As a one plug marine aquarium that includes a skimmer and T5 lighting, it's quite outstanding," said Simon Langdale who judged the aquatics category.
However, this marine nano tank isn't so "nano" with external dimensions of 608 x 500 x 612mm with a total capacity of 130 litres, but as Red Sea state, it is a sensibly sized nano reef and the size of the tank has enabled them to fit a number of valuable features. Firstly is the fact that it comes with a large, built-in protein skimmer powered by a "turbo injected" pump.
This alone could make it a more stable option that many other models available, but it also includes an adjustable surface skimmer, two 550 lph circulation pumps, mechanical, chemical and biological media, and all that is built into a compartment in the back of the tank, out of the way. The compartment has room for a heater and a chiller pump if necessary.
The hood provides access to the skimmer and lifts at the front for feeding and cleaning, but it can rise up on clever hinges providing full access to the tank.
Inside the hood there is 10,000K actinic and LED moonlighting and all can be programmed by an integrated timer. All plugs and cables are concealed within a panel at the side of the tank and can be removed and changed at your leisure.
This neat panel also means that only one power cable has to be plugged in, and there doesn't seem to be anything that the people at Red Sea haven't thought of, included, or overcome.
(The glass thickness is over 1/16" or 2+mm thicker than the other tanks out there in the all in one catagory)
I have actually read a lot about this tank, but it is unfortunately way out of my budget...


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I know it's off topic, but Happy Birthday, FishRule!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Thanks Bud...