HELP! Dead fish


Ok, I got home and I found 3 dead fish.... my husband forgot to turn the pump back on... would this be the case? Sorry, we're new at this...


They're going to need as much info as you can give them to help, ie tank specs water params how long was the pump off and anything else


I did a water change last night... the pump was off from 6pm until now... when I walked in the door and saw it off...We've been having a nitrate problem for months... we've done 2 water changes this week and still very high... off the charts! it's been that way for months and we don't know how to lower it. Everything else is normal in the levels but this!


I guess it could be a lack of o2 but I am not sure do you have numbers for the water params, and how you did the change still could be any number of things


Active Member
High nitrates will not hurt fish (inverts, yes), this is one of the biggest misconceptions in the hobby. Like mentioned above, we can't help without a lot more info.


Sorry. We are so new to this, asking for parameters is way over our heads. Dont have a clue, we have not been taught any where near what we need to know. Does adding to much of things such as Calcium, or iodide, or strontium & molybdenum, or phytoplex raise nitrates??

crypt keeper

Active Member
okay. how big is said tank and what is in it? Live rock sand?
You need to go to your fish store and buy a test kit. How long has this tank been set up? Most likley yes your tank had no Oxygen. Lets not get over our heads here. 18 hours with no running water in a smaller tank would do this.
aslo unless you have corals you dont need to add anything to the tank. Salt and water thats it. A lot of people dont even add stuff to their tank with corals.


Originally Posted by new2salt3
Sorry. We are so new to this, asking for parameters is way over our heads. Dont have a clue, we have not been taught any where near what we need to know. Does adding to much of things such as Calcium, or iodide, or strontium & molybdenum, or phytoplex raise nitrates?? %%
goto your store and have them do a test for you.... most do it for free.... and yes adding chemicals can throw things way out of wack..... (not just nitrates)
and until you figure out (atleast the basics) stop doing anything to your tank.
Since water changes arent doing the trick you can lower your nitrates by not feeding your tank so much.... my guess is you have been way over-feeding without even realizing it

crypt keeper

Active Member
Trates dont harm fish. People have their trates in the 100's and their fish are fine. Its something else and IMo a simple oxygen problem.
Do a large watwer change. This will oxygenate the water faster. Stop adding chemicals. If you cant test then dont do it. Also why are you adding these said chemicals?


Well if the pump was off then the gas exchange was pretty near non existant. Depends on how big the tank is but if it is small and there are a few fish in there, they can exhaust the supply but I don't think that soon. I think something else is to blame as well.
Since they didn't do research, maybe the tank was cycling and it killed off all their fish? Hard to guess when there is no info.