New Member
I have a 75 gallon tank, includes 1 Nasa Tang, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 FoxFace, 1 damsel, 1 Flame, 2 dawrf angels, 1 manderin, 1 goatfish, 1 serpant star, 1 cc ship, 1 urchin, 1 crab, 1 conch, 2 snails, 4 clown fish. All my water conditions are testing perfect. About a week ago my goatfish stopped eating and died within two days. Since then all my fish have become ill. I thought it was ich and treated for ich but all fish suddenly got cloudy eye too. Since then I have lost both angels, manderin and all 4 clown fish. Foxface and Nasa Tang are really suffering at this time. I have switched for ich treatment which is more broad scope for numerous things as well as doing water changes every couple days. I have a bio wheel filter and a deluxe prism skimmer and since the fish have been suffering have added bubble curtain backi into tank for more oxygen. I have also lost my serpant who shot off his legs and my urchin who shot of his neddles. I am also soaking food in garlic. The only fish eating in tank are Yellow Tang and Damsel however Flame does not appear to be sick. Help! I am up for any suggestions to save what I have left. :needhelp: