HELP Diseased Tank


New Member
I have a 75 gallon tank, includes 1 Nasa Tang, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 FoxFace, 1 damsel, 1 Flame, 2 dawrf angels, 1 manderin, 1 goatfish, 1 serpant star, 1 cc ship, 1 urchin, 1 crab, 1 conch, 2 snails, 4 clown fish. All my water conditions are testing perfect. About a week ago my goatfish stopped eating and died within two days. Since then all my fish have become ill. I thought it was ich and treated for ich but all fish suddenly got cloudy eye too. Since then I have lost both angels, manderin and all 4 clown fish. Foxface and Nasa Tang are really suffering at this time. I have switched for ich treatment which is more broad scope for numerous things as well as doing water changes every couple days. I have a bio wheel filter and a deluxe prism skimmer and since the fish have been suffering have added bubble curtain backi into tank for more oxygen. I have also lost my serpant who shot off his legs and my urchin who shot of his neddles. I am also soaking food in garlic. The only fish eating in tank are Yellow Tang and Damsel however Flame does not appear to be sick. Help! I am up for any suggestions to save what I have left. :needhelp:


Active Member
Can you post real numbers for your water parameters? Saying their good doesn't tell much. Include salinity and pH. Your tank is grossly overstocked. Way too many fish to maintain a healthy, stress free environment. You don't say how long the tank has been set up, or at what intervals the fish were added.
Goatfish don't normally do well.
What are you feeding and how often. Is there live rock in the tank?
Symptoms; redness, white spots, labored breathing, discoloration?
Do you have a quarantine tank set up and ready to use?
Post back with as much information as possible.


Staff member
Ich treatment? You can't have treated adequately in a tank with inverts. What treatment are you using. Also, cloudy eyes is a symptom of ich.


New Member
Tank has been set up for about 5 months. Salinity is 1.022 to 1.023. Ph is 8.3, Nitrite is 0 Nitrate is 10, ammonia is 0. Water changes at done at 20 to 30 percent weekly. Actually my anenomies are surprisingly doing well even using the ick away. I used one bottle of ick away then changed over to MF Fix I believe it was called, used one bottle of that now back over to ick away. I have three fish that are eating and a crab that is eating. Nasa Tank and Foxface are not eating but are hanging in there. I have also performed dips on them both. I have about 60 pounds of Live rock in the tank. Amongst the deceased, I have found two other crabs that I did not purchase, I know this is not uncommon, but in the entire 5 months of having this tank I have never seen them before and I run a lunar light at night so I can sit and watch for odd things. I do not have a quarantin tank as it sprung a leak early on. Fox is very stressed so is almost black however he has cloudy eyes and white spots all over gills. Nasa Tang (lipstick) has what looks like scratches all over his sides, his lips are now dull and he has white spots on his sides as well. Flame appears to be normal but not eating. Yellow tang seems completely fine and is eating as well. Damsel stays hid but also is eating and appears to be fine. Tang, Fox and Flame are just laying low in tank, not eating and have labored breathing.


New Member
purchased new qurantine tank today, 20 gals. added copper based med and started to lower salinity. Three fish remain, one damsel, foxface and yellow tang. All have been placed in the qurantine tank. Main tank has been cleaned and water change performed as well as carbon placed back in tank. Anenome, choc chip star, lightfinger crab and two snails remain alive in it. Am looking at purchasing uv steralizer. :confused: