help don't know what coral to get


hi i have a fully cycled 1 gallen nano reef tank ,i know its tiny, and don't know what type of coral to get help


What lighting do you have, this would help in determining what you could get. If PC's, you could get mushroom or Zoo's I believe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by victor52
hi i have a fully cycled 1 gallen nano reef tank ,i know its tiny, and don't know what type of coral to get help
depends on your filtration and your lighting. To me 1 gallon; why bother. More hassle then it's worth, just me though


Active Member
the spectrum of the light is not correct. Watts mean nothing or everyone would use household ;lights. What is your filtration on this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by victor52
what do you mean on filteration
The bubble stream is not a filter. Why are you doing something so small? It's very hard to keep water quality where it should be in small tanks.


becouse i live in an apartment with one room and one of those conner tanks but i have the test kits and everything


Active Member
Originally Posted by victor52
anyone there
I'm trying to help here!
Do a ten gallon at minimum. Do some research in the mean time and grab a couple of books. Go to the "nano" section on here and look and read the threads there. Just might give ya some direction.