Help!! Dying fish. Mysterious cause.


New Member
I just recently set up a 90 gallon with a wet/dry filter and protein skimmer. I took all the guy's water, which turned out to be off-the-charts bad, and have done a major series of water changes to get it the water to these levels.
Ph 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
Temp 77
I've had a snowflake moray in the tank for at least six weeks. Two weeks ago I added an Oranged-shouldered Tang. Everything was going good so I bought three fish, a Koran Angel, a Blue-spotted Puffer and a Naso Tang. The Naso got ich after four days (as expected) I treated the tank with NOX-ICH. On the second day the Koran and the Orange-shoulder were dead when I got home from work. Yesterday they both seemed a little lethargic, but nothing to get alarmed about. Today the Naso is not a dark at normal, but otherwise is doing fine.
Any ideas out there? I'm stumped. Electrical leakage????? Ich medicine????


Active Member
they dies because you OVER STOCKED. Large angels sould not be kept in tank less then 180 IMO. plus you had a snowflake, and 2 tangs.


New Member
These are all small juveniles. Was planning on moving the Tangs and Angel into a 240 gallon next year. There was plenty of room for these babies to roam. Any other ideas?


i dont know but i heard that if u dont have enough alge in your tank then there is not enough oxygen and your fish get ich fast and die over night


New Member
I have a nice crop of algae on the piles of live rock. An 18" bubble wand should keep oxygen at a acceptable level.
Now I just noticed the Naso darting. He will be gone tomorrow it appears. Leaving a small puffer and baby eel in a 90 gallon with apparently good water.
Any more thoughts?


New Member
Yes. Ph is 8.2
Something did occur to me, all the affected fish are algae eaters. Food seems to be the only common link. Whatever it is, it strikes lightning fast. All fish were in premium condition, acting perfectly healthy before the ich treatment, then Bam!


New Member
The puffer must not have liked being medicated and release a toxin, that from what I've read can wipe out an entire tank. Too bad nothing was written about this in my saltwater fish book. Poor choice of fish. Will not buy another.


New Member
Tank was previously established. Puffer toxin explains everything. Naso began recovering after three days, stopped darting, but has a pectoral fin rotted off, and one cloudy eye. The puffer was the only fish to show no adverse effects. Moray is eating voraciously now. Everything is almost back to normal. In retrospect. the Orange-shoulder was trying to intimidate the puffer the day before all hell broke loose. No stray voltage, adding fish too fast, or any other action could cause nearly instantaneous deaths, then go disappear as quickly as it struck. The Naso showed all symptoms of a toxic reaction. The Snowflake must have a higher tolerance than the fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rocko
The puffer must not have liked being medicated and release a toxin, that from what I've read can wipe out an entire tank. Too bad nothing was written about this in my saltwater fish book. Poor choice of fish. Will not buy another.
puffers do not release harmful toxins to the tank. they are only toxic if eaten. boxfish on the other hand release toxins when stressed or death accures. keep checking for other possabilties this isnt one of them.also what medication did you use puffers are copper sensitive and are easily overdosed.dounds like more than ich was an issue for your fish deaths

william c

The Most Inportant Thing In Keeping Marine Fish Is Patients ..i Know When You Go To Your Local .lfs You See So Mant Gorgeous Fish And Buy Them By Inpulse But Your Just Waisting Your Money And Killing Those Gorgeous Fish


Active Member
another question :what happened to the fish that he had in the tank you got the water from
not only did you introduce your fish to high levels of harmful polutants you may have also introduced all of your fish to harmful diseases.other than just ich