HELP!!!! Emperor Angel very sick (with pictures)

i love fish

I've had this juvi emperor for 15 months, and about 3 months ago I put her in the qt 4 bad behaviour and she keeps getting sick with the same thing every month or so, but this time it is the worst its ever gotten.
QT is 10gal
temp is 78 deg
Ph is 8.0
SG is 1.009 (have it in hypo coz I thought it was ich at first)]
Ammonia is 0
Nitrite is 0
Nitrate is 25
The symptoms are blotchy skin/patches, scratching, cloudy eyes, fraying fins, rapid breating, and it seems as though her skin is 'peeling' and pale coloration.
Please help.
thank you.



Active Member
Are you saying that this fish has been in 10 gallon tank for the past three months? If so, there is little wonder it's health is failing. The fish is likely so stressed out from confinement in a small tank that it's immune system is failing. This is causing the other sickness you're seeing. What was the "bad behavior" that made you remove it to the qt? It's a juvenile fish so I'm wondering what it was doing? The fish has multiple issues going on; parasites are likely as are secondary bacterial infections. Has the QT been in hypo for the three months or are you raising/lowering salinity frequently and if so how often? Is the fish eating? What are you feeding it? How big is your display tank and what else is in it? The fish is sick but it needs a larger quarantine tank to treat.

i love fish

I brought it out of hypo about 6 weeks after initial treatment for ich, then about 2 weeks after the sg was normal it came down with these symptoms, on an off.
The DT is 95g.
The emperor is eating freeze dried krill, frozen mysis shrimps, iodine enriched marine flake and also pellet, and also nori. I also feed it frozen food that i made with garlic and I also enrich 2 feeds a week with vitamins.
The bad behaviour it exhibibted was that it was trying to kill the new fire gobbies.


Staff member
So is the fish still in the 10 gal QT? Also the diet you are offering needs to be more varied. Leave off the iodine flakes altogether.

i love fish

the emperor is stilll in the 10gal QT coz of the symptoms it keeps coming up with every time I get th SG up to normal levels again. I didn't think it would be wise to put it in the DT with those symptoms. Do you think I should get the emperor out of the QT and put it in the DT while it's in that condition?


Active Member
I'd recommend getting a lot larger QT for this fish. He is stressed out and like Beth said, you need to add more variety to his diet.


I had my Koran Angel in a 10g Qt a year ago for 2 weeks. Did fine! Of course I made sure the water params where top notch. Good Luck!

i love fish

On thursday, only 1 of it's gills were 'working', by the evening both gills were functional once again.
On Friday morning, emperor stopped eating, eyes were even cloudier than b4, mucus layer all over body peeling off, including the mucus on the eyes, also fins fraying even more, and breathing is alternating from very fast to very slow.
Today, emperor is just lying on the floor all dark and dead looking.
please advise.


Staff member
It doesn't sound like there is much hope for this fish.
If you have well-cycled QT, you can try Maracyn Two for SW fish. Be sure to do a small water change daily, just before each re-dose. Also, make sure tank water circulation is good.


I agree with Beth, sounds like its over. But for future fish, you really need to get a larger QT. the smallest i would use is a 29g. 40-55 preferred. As for the original symptoms you gave , this certainly sounds like your fish had flukes.
" The symptoms are blotchy skin/patches, scratching, cloudy eyes, fraying fins, rapid breating, and it seems as though her skin is 'peeling' and pale coloration."
Many people confuse fluke with Ick and velvet except flukes doesnt show the obvious white dots or powder on the fins and body. When you give a fw dip or treat with prazi you should see white "sesamee seed" shaped flukes falling off the fish. They're actually an opaque color but turn white when dead. Other forms of flukes are worm like/half moon shaped. If any of your other fish begin to show these signs i would give them a fw dip then treat with prazi pro for a week. If your DT has flukes you're either going to have to remove the inverts and treat with prazi or leave the tank fallow for six weeks and treat the fish in a larger QT. . good luck !