help fast stung


hay guys was putting my fish in a hospital tank and got stung by my fox tang i am swelling bad and it hurts really bad what should i do


what do u mean hot wate i have been putting cold water on it damn this stings worse then beging stunk by a wasper


thanks alot u guys i was really getting worried dose it usually swell alot because mine is; he got me really good 3 different places on the same finger. stupid me i knew better i have had these fish for two years with no promblem then dummy me bought two new fish clowns and now have ick in main tank. had to move them to hospital tank because of lR and inverts. but really thank u for your help. mrswv1956


no, no allergies that i know of, except seasonal allergies, and codiene, but god this hurts i was soaking in cold water but since your reply i have started hotwater starting to feel alot better but still swelled bad thank u very much i poster in the disease forum but no buudy answer me thank u i was really scared.


ok sammy thank you very much,i;m feeling alot better but oh he get me good i was bleeding everywhere,got me in 3 different places on the same finger got my rings off just in time,now they wont even start on my finger ,but gain thanks,you;re the only one that answer me and i was scared never had that to happen to me before.


ok i will but dont think i will have to, its doing alot better now that i have soaked in hot water,plus i took a benadryl tablet,when it happened dont know if it helped but dont think it hurt any lol,but if u had not answered me when u did, i was about to really panic,was home alone and didnt know what to do,so again i thank you very much. I come to this site alot but dont post much because i usally find the answers to my questions by just reading the post from everyone else,love this site its a big help.


Active Member
One peeve of mine is that LFS or suppliers don't often give people this advice when they buy a lion or foxface. Such a simple thing, and saves people a lot of panic and pain. Should be a basic FWI when buying these fish.
Glad to hear you are feeling better! You sure do have a story to tell now!


As A Paramedic Sammy is right. Hot water until you cant stand it. Also I think a little vinegar on it should sooth it some.


Thanks for all the help guys,i survied the night but have one sore finger,i have another question though after i got all my fish into the hospital tank,this morning i have noticed in my main tank there are these little things that look sort of like eggs,but are silver in color,all over my live rock and glass can anyone tell me what this is.have to move fish out because i pulled a dummy trick and put knew fish in without qt them so now have ick,hope i get them over it bcause i have had the fox tang for 2 yrs now.i read another post something about pods is that what these little egg looking things are.