help fighting clowns


New Member
I bought a percula clownfish - aquacultured around 6 months ago.
I recently bought the same kind of clown and put it in the tank
and the first one started to fight with it. When I read up on clowns,
it say they get along with one another. I don't want to stress the
fish out, but how can I get my new one excepted by the old one
I have a 90 gal reef tank. They are seperated for now.


Are they the same size? One needs to be smaller(male) and one needs to be bigger(female). Are you positive they are the same species?


New Member
Yes they are the same. My first clown is larger and goes after
the smaller one. And I do mean he bites and locks jaws with
it. The only thing I can think of is that the first clown is wild and
I bought it with his own sea anemone. The newer one is aquacultured.
(small one). Could this be my problem?


Active Member
what kind of clowns are these? false percs are generally aquacultured and true percs are generally wild found and are not the same fish.
percs are very territorial when it comes to their anenomes.
it could just be a dominance thing that occurs with 2 percs get together and one is turning female, but right now you have 2 males probably fighting each other for the tank.


when i put my maroons in my tank i had one longer than the other and the original was beating up the other pretty bad so i took them out and put them in a QT together without anything in it so there was nothing to claim and left them in there for about 2 or 3 days until they got along and now they are your case i would put them in the QT without the anemone until they get along for a few days then i would introduce the anemone only and hope they host it together then when they do put them all back in the tank at the same time and place so they dont get too confused....mine have claimed the corner with the anemone in it but the anemone is to small for them to host but i think once it is big enough they will :)......good luck


New Member
Originally Posted by Quaos
Are they the same size? One needs to be smaller(male) and one needs to be bigger(female). Are you positive they are the same species?
I found out by reading more and looking at my clowns closer that
I have 1 that is a true percula clownfish and the one I bought
is a false percula clown. These two fish can not be together.
So I will be get another tank and keep my flase in one tank by
itself. Thank you for responding to my question.


New Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
what kind of clowns are these? false percs are generally aquacultured and true percs are generally wild found and are not the same fish.
percs are very territorial when it comes to their anenomes.
it could just be a dominance thing that occurs with 2 percs get together and one is turning female, but right now you have 2 males probably fighting each other for the tank.
Your right about my clowns. I have a true percula clown and I bought
a false clown without looking closer or asking question about them.
This time I've read the fine print closer. Thank You


New Member
Thank You all for helping me with my problems. I have a true percula
clown and I bought a false clown. Next time I will look at the fish
a lot closer and make sure of what I have. Thank you again :happyfish


Active Member
if the newer one isnt beat up too much you may be able to bring back to your store. glad this mystery was solved


New Member
I bought the false clown from I don't beleive
they take live fish back. thank anyway.