Help -fish Are Pale And White Specks


New Member
I have a 220 tank, temperature is 83.7, but it fluctuates, I did move around some rocks and an anemone that keeps roaming all over everyone else, I have, sailfin tang, maroon clown, Black & White Clow, 2 damsels, 2 emerald crabs, 2 horseshoe crab, 1 star, 2 haitian anemone, carpet anemone, bubble anemone. I set up this tank about 2 1/2 weeks ago. The fish were in my 55 but had to move, because they were dying we didn't know and move the sand and all the tank became brown. anyway, we had this water tested last week at our local aquarium and all was well and my current readings are good. WHAT COULD IT BE AND WHAT CAN I DO. :scared:


The first thing that came to my mind was so many anemone in such close proximity could be releasing toxins to compete with each other and the fish are getting caught in the middle. Most likely the carpet anemone doesn't like the presence of the other 3.
Give more info on your specs: filtration, LR, actual readings, how long it has been running, etc.


Active Member
How much temp fluctuation are you talking about? What kind of lights do you have for the anemones? It sounds like Ich to me. Can you post pictures?


Active Member
Give some history on both tanks;
The 55; You had everything in there but said the fish were dying. Did you lose any fish in the 55 and if so what were they and what were the symptoms. How long had the 55 been set up and what exactly was in it?
You mentioned moving around and the tank became brown? Please be more specific on exactly what you did.
Then you moved everything to the 220 which was just set up two weeks ago? This is a major problem in itself. If you had sick fish to begin with and simply moved them to another tank, they are not only sick but stressed as well. White spots are an indication of parasites. Color fading can also be related to ich, but can be caused by other things as well.


New Member
It is probably ich you can feed more and put in some garlic supplements that will increase the fishes immunities. It sounds like you stressed them out to me. do some water changes more frequently and you wont need to worry about the parameters because when you test the water and something is off what do you do? a water change.


New Member
The sailfin looks better, B&W Clown is missing presumed dead. I have added more garlic to the diet, have taken out the Haitian anemones, and bought a UV sterilizer and addeded magnesium. Took my water to my favorite aquarium retailer and they checked, said my water was great (what ever that means), just too much, too soon, too many changes. STRESSED. I guess I need patients with adding things. thanks again for all the help.