New Member
I started a reef system July 19, 2013. I have had freshwater systems for many years but this is my first saltwater tank.
Tank: 55 gal.
Eshoppes RS-75 sump
5 gal refugium
Reef Octopus 4 skimmer
2 Hydor Koralia Evolution 1150 powerheads
40 lbs live sand bed
80 lbs live rock
StarkLED lights (30W Marine Blue and 30W Marine White)
Currently in tank:
Striped Basslet
Yellow Tang
2 - Pajama Cardinals
4 - Green Chromis
Black Damselfish
Firefish Goby
Red Banded Coral Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
2 - Emerald Crabs
Red Starfish
Serpent Starfish
About 6 Snails
Green Anemone
12 Corals
All fish are small to medium. All corals and shrimp doing very well.
All saltwater obtained from LFS. 25% water changes once per month.
Water: Ammonia-0, Nitrate-50, Nitrite-0, Salinity 1.024, Temp = 78F, PH-8.0, Alkalinity-7.0, Calcium-420.
Food: Flakes in morning, Frozen Mysis or Brine shrimp ( thawed first) in afternoon
Seaweed on clip.
Problem: I buy fish and they last a week to 3 weeks, then die. They are looking good and eating one day then dead the next. I have lost a dozen fish this way. Some of the fish currently in the tank have been in there a couple of months. I never had more than 12 - 14 fish in the tank at any one time.
Tank: 55 gal.
Eshoppes RS-75 sump
5 gal refugium
Reef Octopus 4 skimmer
2 Hydor Koralia Evolution 1150 powerheads
40 lbs live sand bed
80 lbs live rock
StarkLED lights (30W Marine Blue and 30W Marine White)
Currently in tank:
Striped Basslet
Yellow Tang
2 - Pajama Cardinals
4 - Green Chromis
Black Damselfish
Firefish Goby
Red Banded Coral Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
2 - Emerald Crabs
Red Starfish
Serpent Starfish
About 6 Snails
Green Anemone
12 Corals
All fish are small to medium. All corals and shrimp doing very well.
All saltwater obtained from LFS. 25% water changes once per month.
Water: Ammonia-0, Nitrate-50, Nitrite-0, Salinity 1.024, Temp = 78F, PH-8.0, Alkalinity-7.0, Calcium-420.
Food: Flakes in morning, Frozen Mysis or Brine shrimp ( thawed first) in afternoon
Seaweed on clip.
Problem: I buy fish and they last a week to 3 weeks, then die. They are looking good and eating one day then dead the next. I have lost a dozen fish this way. Some of the fish currently in the tank have been in there a couple of months. I never had more than 12 - 14 fish in the tank at any one time.