HELP! Fish is dying!


I put my fish in QT for ich. and now my yellow tang has been lying on the bottom of the tank for the past 3 days it has slowly been turning red ( almost looks like it is bleeding) what is going on and how do i save it? i have been doing daily water changes ( the QT had not been cycled) and all per are good.


Active Member
Sounds like some sort of bacteria infection. I'd post in the disease and treatment forum. You'll get better help there.


Active Member
why didnt u use the water from the dt in the qt? if u r treating the tan for icks, u could hv use copper since there isnt inverts or lr in the qt.


i did use the water from the DT. that water was cycled. but i took water out fast to lower the SG and that water was not cycled.


that happened to me once. Had to do daily water changes in qt. If the YT looks red , it is ammonia poisoning.