HELP Fish not doing well


New Member
I just got home and to my surprise I have found both my percula clowns laying on the bottom of the sand bed not moving very much but stil alive so far. My 2 damsels are hiding but seem to be moving ok I think. Is there anything I can do? My tank has been up for 3 months readings are as follows:
PH 8.2
Amm. 0.25
Trites 0
trates 15
these readings have been my normal readings for the last 2 moths. If ayone has any info I would greatly appreciate it. My sad bed is also getting brown patches in places, alot of places actualy. Thanks again for all the help


it sounds like from your params that the ammonia is probably causing this to happen to your clowns as you know they are pretty hardy but not as hardy as the damsels. hence the sluggish behavior on the clowns not the damsels. try to find out why you got that spike in ammonia. but also listen im no expert just using some of the info ive learned from this site. good luck


Active Member
It's really hard to kill clown fish especially since they have been in your tank for a while. Where did you get them from?
I would suggest you remove them from your tank and call them a loss. Wiat a month before adding any other fish in your tankl. clowns don't show ICK real well and you may have a problem with it.
Regardless - wait a while before replacing your fish or you'll be real unhappy.


Undoubtedly, the problem is water chemistry, so I recommend changing 20% of the water. Also, should you be using tap water, increase your dose of declorinater. I'm hesitant to say it's Ammonia though it is a probable cause. Try checking salinity/specific gravity and temperature. Let us know...


I would guess the brown patches on your sand bed are algae stimulated from either the Nitrate or Phosphate, that's just a guess though. If Nitrates and Phosphates have no relation to your ill fish.


Active Member
Brown pacthes- most likely diatoms, normal in a new system.
Like Martin said, where are you getting the water from? Some water contains stuff you don't want in your tank. Copper, Iron, ect... I do agree a 20% water change with DI or RO/DI water.
Double check the ammonia reading with your LFS. You should not
have that reading for 2 months. I think your kit maybe giving you a false reading.
Please do not give up on the fish and flush them, they are not dead yet.


New Member
Thanks for all the info. Today when I got home one of the clowns has died but the other is ok. I believe I have ick in the tank now. There are two white dots on the clown (very small), but I have a Domino damsel that is realy showing it now, I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier. Im almost mad at myself. Is there anything tricky about getting rid of ick in a saltwater tank, if anyone could give me some more info pronto I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks again