So i have a 135 gallon fish tank that up untill yesterday was fine. I have around 100 pounds of live rock in the tank or more. I have a coralife protien skimmer the 125 model and a wetdry system.
1 piccaso trigger
1 bird wrasse
1 cleaner wrasse
1 naso tang
2 blu damsles (which i hate with a passion, they are like two sharks).
2 serpant stars.
Well i bought the naso about alittle more than two weeks ago. I bought the cleaner wrasse about a week ago.
I bought the tank used and the guys said he had it for like 8 years. Ive had the tank for 1 year now.
Ive have only lost a couple fish to fighting and ich.
So here is the problem i test the water saturday morning and every thing is good.
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrates 15-20ppm
Also before its asked its been a week and a half since a water change on the 135 and i instruct my dad to how important it is that he doesnt over feed so im pretty shure that couldnt have been the cause either.
I go out sunday morning and come home around 3 ish to find the tank really cloudy, i thought that one of the fish messed with the sand bed. i check back in twenty minutes and there is no change. so i do a water test and every thing is the same except the ammonia. it sky rocketed. it went up to 8 ppm
So i figured something died. But every thing was fine except for a star fish that had 2 legs missing. So i dont know what happened.
it went up to 8 ppm. So i go into a panic and do a 30 gal water change. (all i had ready) and put in some ammo lock.
The naso looked sick. I have a 90 gallon also thats been running for over 6 months thats a very healthy tank. so i threw him in there for safety. I also threw my wrasse in there two cause he wasnt looking to good. and im throwing the piccaso in a ten gallon with clean water.
Any help or advise would be great. Im going to the LFS to get some nitromax to throw in the tanks.
Any advice or reason to why this happened.
1 piccaso trigger
1 bird wrasse
1 cleaner wrasse
1 naso tang
2 blu damsles (which i hate with a passion, they are like two sharks).
2 serpant stars.
Well i bought the naso about alittle more than two weeks ago. I bought the cleaner wrasse about a week ago.
I bought the tank used and the guys said he had it for like 8 years. Ive had the tank for 1 year now.
Ive have only lost a couple fish to fighting and ich.
So here is the problem i test the water saturday morning and every thing is good.
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrates 15-20ppm
Also before its asked its been a week and a half since a water change on the 135 and i instruct my dad to how important it is that he doesnt over feed so im pretty shure that couldnt have been the cause either.
I go out sunday morning and come home around 3 ish to find the tank really cloudy, i thought that one of the fish messed with the sand bed. i check back in twenty minutes and there is no change. so i do a water test and every thing is the same except the ammonia. it sky rocketed. it went up to 8 ppm
So i figured something died. But every thing was fine except for a star fish that had 2 legs missing. So i dont know what happened.
it went up to 8 ppm. So i go into a panic and do a 30 gal water change. (all i had ready) and put in some ammo lock.
The naso looked sick. I have a 90 gallon also thats been running for over 6 months thats a very healthy tank. so i threw him in there for safety. I also threw my wrasse in there two cause he wasnt looking to good. and im throwing the piccaso in a ten gallon with clean water.
Any help or advise would be great. Im going to the LFS to get some nitromax to throw in the tanks.
Any advice or reason to why this happened.