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I've had the fish for about 2 months. It has not been netted since we got it. What is wrong with it?
Have you checked the water readings? Do you have a fish that he might have been frightened or chased by? Pop eye is an eye infection. It can come from the eye being scraped on a piece of rock, sand, net, etc. Fish can also get it from a weakened immune system due to poor diet or poor water quality. It is very treatable. It doesn't look too severe at the moment. Perform several small water changes over the next few days using pre-mixed water. Add a rotation of Vitachem and Zoecon to one meaty meal per day. Natural treatment does take longer than antibiotics and will not cure it if it is too bad. It does not appear to be too bad from the picture. If you do not have a cycled QT then I would go this route. Be sure that the water quality is pristine and he is as stress free as possible. I have cleared worse than that with just care and vitamins.
You should get a QT running and cycled though, if you do not have one already. If you cannot get that to clear through natural means then he will need antibiotics. You need a fully cycled QT for that type of treatment.