Help for a Beginner


New Member
Ok, i read up a little last night and read about puting a shrimp (i believe dead) in your tank to get that "AMMONIA" spike...Do you need that spike?? And if so What kind of test should I get(brand?)...
Today I am going to get some live rock, how much should I get for a 7 gallon tank? :confused: Then how long do I wait for it to cycle, and how do I even tell if it IS cycling??
You should get a bigger tank, go for a 55 gal, or 30. around that area... Also before you buy more equipment or live rock you should read more about the hobby im sure it will answer your questions.


Just out of curiosity what type of fish were you looking to keep in this 7 gallon tank?


New Member
Well, I will still ask questions what I can have in the tank, but in my head is see maybe a small percula and an anenome, i have heard that anenomes can outgrow "
my size tank" fast. So maybe I will change my mind. Im trying to make a nano tank... If you can help me even more, could u state what a nano tank really is ?? I don't want to be using the wrong terms....I saw this one post the guy had 6 clowns in his 7 gallon?? It would really help to tell me what is the max i can put in there?? How many snails, crabs, etc. Just got 9 punds of LR today, YESSS!!! 9 pounds=2 peices of rock..LoL
I wouldn't wanna stop if i cant have a percula and anenome, im cool with those black and white damsels


New Member
OK, 9 pounds LR, now what?? You think i should get more CC, since my sand bed is only about 1/4 inch!! LoL!!! Help me out please...


i done 10 gallon nano a few years is what it had. 4 inch dsb, 22-23 lbs lr, 40w vho, 10 bluelegs, 5 astrea snails, 2 clowns. also made an overflow from plexiglass and rtv, and skimmer from lowes parts using pvc and propane torch and some pvc glue. totat cost of skimmer and overflow was about 25 bucks. skimmer was actually cute, about the size of a coke bottle.


OK, First off an ammonia spike is not necessary, it's just how the cycling process works. Understanding your situation, I would suggest that you think about losing the CC now while it's not going to be a major project & go with sand, 2-3 inches. It won't have all the beni's of a DSB but it will be less hassle to maintain. Next sit back & watch your tank for 2 or 3 months (I waited 6 months when I set up my 10 gal). During this time you will be able to watch the live rock, monitor water quality, and do your research. Your level of patience will directly correlate to your level of success.
Just my opinion. Good Luck!