My daughter purchased a hammer coral for her 20 gallon nano 3 days ago and she just called me to say she thinks it's "croaking." It has three heads and one is completely gone and the other two are retreating. There is some mucous being secreted also. Her nitrates always run around 15-20. Everything else is "safe" or "ideal" on her test strips. Everything in her tank has been doing well until the hammer was added. Possible chemical warfare? She said her brain coral is not expanding as much right now. Can a hammer polute and tank a whole tank with it when it dies? I told her to bring it over to me as I have a 58 gallon that runs 0 all the time for ammonia, trites, and trates......do I need to be concerned about it poluting my tank? I have a frogspawn that is doing well and thought I'd place her hammer in the same vicinity. Please adivse if I should try to save the hammer......TIA I've enclosed a pic of her tank so you can see what she has going on......