help for my 55 gal


New Member
my tank is up for 5 months (2005). live sand, live rock, put 2 damsels in on the first of Feb. 2005, feb 19, 2005 added a yellow, March 12, added a blue tang and 3 clowns. ( i have snails and hermit crabs also). water.. tep is between 76 and 78, amonia 0, trates 0, trites 0, ph 8.3, salinity 1.023. one week after i added blue and clowns ( my lfs said it was okay to add the blue and clowns all at once, (i don't think they were right). within a week the blue died, a couple of days later the clowns died. checked water everything still okay. did 30% water changed, used the turkey baster and cleaned rock before water change.
2 weeks ago the yellow died ( added coral banded shrimp about 1 week before yellow died. last saturday i added a small yellow bought from a different lfs today it is dead.
could it be the damsels are stressing everything i put in the tank. the yellow was eating last night and seemed fine. no sign of injury or disease on it this am. please does anyone have any ideas?


Staff member
What size tank do you have?
I would say that you definately added too many fish, and definately too many fish for a new tank.
Tangs should be kept in larger tanks by hobbyists with experience. Likely they fought each other.

russell s

New Member
i have a 30 gallon tank for 3 years never had a problem now my fish only live for 2weeks i dont know whats the problem.


Staff member
What are your water readings? How many fish and what kind do you have?


Originally Posted by onidnad
my tank is up for 5 months (2005). live sand, live rock, put 2 damsels in on the first of Feb. 2005, feb 19, 2005 added a yellow, March 12, added a blue tang and 3 clowns. ( i have snails and hermit crabs also). water.. tep is between 76 and 78, amonia 0, trates 0, trites 0, ph 8.3, salinity 1.023. one week after i added blue and clowns ( my lfs said it was okay to add the blue and clowns all at once, (i don't think they were right). within a week the blue died, a couple of days later the clowns died. checked water everything still okay. did 30% water changed, used the turkey baster and cleaned rock before water change.
2 weeks ago the yellow died ( added coral banded shrimp about 1 week before yellow died. last saturday i added a small yellow bought from a different lfs today it is dead.
could it be the damsels are stressing everything i put in the tank. the yellow was eating last night and seemed fine. no sign of injury or disease on it this am. please does anyone have any ideas?
Welcome to the boards! I am not sure what the 2005 was about. Is the tank new this year (2008)? What sized tank is this? Did you notice anything, like little white spots, on the fish before they died? Did you ever test your water for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, PH, SG, or temp? What are those readings now?


Originally Posted by RUSSELL S
i have a 30 gallon tank for 3 years never had a problem now my fish only live for 2weeks i dont know whats the problem.
Welcome to the boards! Can you start your own thread and give us all of the details of what has happened? Please tell us what fish you have, what has died, your water readings, and any other info that may help us.