Help for sick Yellow Tang


New Member
My Yellow Tang startred to look sick the other night. He was breathing very heavy and appeard to have some red veins showing up on him.
I set up a 10 gal HT using about 6 gals of water from by big(72 gal) tank on Friday night. I added about 1.5 gals of water on Saturday am and now the HT is .020 sal and about .10 amonia. I disolved one Myricin2 (sp) in the HT then put my tang in there.
I am using a small power filter with only the white fiber stuff, I'm not sure what it's called. Since Ive been reading some posts, I'm wondering of i'm doing the right stuff.
On Sunday i did a one gal WC and dissolved a half of a Myarcin2 tablet in there. Shoud I be using a higher dose? Should I do more WC? Is my filtration OK?
So far my Tang does't look any worse. He still eats a bit but is still breating heavy.
Thanks for any suggestions to help me save this fish.


New Member
I've had this Tang for about six months now, he 's about I'd say a 3" specimen and didn't show any signs of sickness before. I just got home from work and he is still breathing heavy, otherwise he looks OK. I will increase the Maracyn-two dose up to one tablet a day, since my HT is a 10 gal.
The filter fiber I'm using is not cycled I guess because I just started using it so I will follow your suggestion of large WC (water change).
My dilemma is that I'm leaving for vacation on Sunday and I'll need to have him back in the big tank before I go. If all goes well I should be able to move him back on Friday. Thank you for the suggestions, I'll keep you posted as to his progress.


Staff member
If I read the above correctly, it sounds like you have ammoina in your hospital tank?? If so, you need to take immediate steps to fix that. That is your more pressing problem.
And, also, what are the water readings in your main tank? Including nitrates?


New Member
Well today my Tang is looking OK. The redness is going away, but he still seems to be breathing heavy.
I did a 50% WC on the HT and these are the readings:
~.10 ammonia (my test kit can be a bit difficult to read. It not at 0 but not too far above)
0 nitrate. This looks to be a good flat 0
I’m going to feed him very little tonight to help keep the ammonia down. Would a small amount of ammonia be fatal? It seems almost impossible to keep it at 0.
My main tank readings are:
~.10 ammonia
5.0 nitrate
I’m going to a good 10% WC on my main tank tomorrow.
Thanks for your feedback Ed and Elizabeth.


New Member
WOW--That's quite a bit of water flowing! I'd better get started now.
I can see my Tang from where I'm sitting and although the water in the HT is a bit brownish form the medicine, I see him just swining around looking beautiful and I'm reminded of why I like this hobby.