Help Foxface wont eat


Been treating him for black ick in a 20 Gal quarantine. I've had him about 1.5 weeks and he hasnt eaten a thing. He ate Mysis Shrimp at the LFS the day I got him.
Since then I've tried Mysis, raw shrimp, frozen Brine, and now I have hung a sheet of green seaweed on the tank. He hasn't touched a thing. He seems ok, still scared and laying close to the bottom. But he's gotta stay in the Q tank for another week b4 he can get put into the 90 gallon. What should I do? Will he eat? Do I need to worry, how long can they go without food?
His head is starting to look a bit skinny, not terrribly, but skinnier. Ideas? Help me help this guy eat please.
just be careful how much you feed him, go to you LFS and get Entice from Seachem(
), it is like power bait, soak the food in it and you will have him eating in no time. Foxface are also very shy fish, he might not be eating because he feels to revealed to do so


Freshwater dips every 3 or so days. It's really been clearing up the spots.
And There is coppersafe in the water (Was treating Tusk in the same tank for white ick) That fish is good now and now the fox is alone in the 20.
I've also been doing 20% water changes every 4 days to keep the water fresh and nitrates & ammonia down, had 3 fish in there treating for both white and black ick. Killed the white ich with copper and dips. Killed the black ick with FW dips.


good point, there is no real place for him to hide. I wanted to monitor the ick so I took out most of the hiding spots. Maybe I should add a visual barrier to make him feel safer?


romanian lettuce....i hang up 3 pieces a day in my tank...they love it...they eat it faster then when i put the seaweed...i also feed the pellet stuff also
Garlic is only a dietary supplement, it does not act as a food enticer (for the most part maybe a bit) But Entice works really really well


Ok he didn't eat any sea weed. Added a old flower pot for him to go inside for shelter and put in a piece of lettece, and added a few drops of garlic to the water.
Fingers crossed


I just got a fox face about 2 weeks ago. It's very shy and wont come out to the front of the tank unless I'm on the other side of the room.
Garlic should help. Just soak the the food in it.
adding the flower pot should help too.
Question for you. you seem to be treating a lot of fish. Do they keep passing the ich around? You might need to qt all of your fish to let it die off in your DT. I had to do that about 2 years ago. one fish would get healthy then a different one would get sick. I took them all out of the tank for 4 weeks, and separated them in 3 qt's. After that I've never had another outbreak again.


Actually I got mine eating pellets which is not the greatest food but my clown loves them and he has been eating them off the bottom of the tank. Shock me that he was eating them.


yeah first SW tank, already lost more $$ in 2 months than I've lost in 2yrs with FW exotics. Knock on wood they all seem ok now.
I went home at lunch and put in the lettece with garlic. I had to peek around the corner so he wouldnt see me, but he was picking at it. So thanks for that tip, looks like alteast he'll peck at that. Then once he gets into the main tank he may get mroe relaxed enough to eat regular food.
Hopefully he's on the mend now. Thanks guys.


they can't live on just lettece can they? Doesnt seem to be too much nutrition in it.
He's eaten about half of that one piece in there, now he has a fat stomach with lettece
keep offering the lettace for about four days, and then either start sticking the seaweed salad in the clip w/ the lettace or remove the lettace completely and stick the seaweed salad in it's place


New Member
I have a foxface who also didnt want to eat. He was super skinny when I bought him. I tried everything. The one thing I had luck with is some pellets by new life products. 2 months later my foxface is nice and fat. No more sunkin in belly. He is still a very shy fish, Never has been a nice yellow since I got him, But he seems happy. In fact I think I have him trained. Or he has me.??? as weird as it sounds, he will swim to the front glass everytime he sees me and waits for pellts. Anybody else he will dart behind the rocks...
Im not normally one to sell a product, but these pellets are awesome. I also feed this brand to my fresh water fish and they seem to have grown huge since I started them on it???
the food jar has this website
Good Luck !!


I'll try that. Thats what I feed my 16" Bichir and Dats.
Intresting, just dropped a few in and he started nibbling at them! Thanks!