HELP Getting Flame Angel to eat


Active Member
Saw her eat at store.
4 year old 240g reef with excellent parameters all around.
Only angel,
one hippo tang
2 clowns
1 mandarin
1 bicolor blenny
assorted crabs/snails
royal gramma
She's very active in full length of tank. She's about 2" + caudal fin.
Feed 5 types of food (3 are frozen)
Have tried garlic on seaweed sheets and in with frozen stuff.


How long has it been in the tank?
My Flame didn't eat for 3-4 days when I first put him in... now he will eat everything that my clowns/chromis/Gramma eats, which is usually a rotating schedule of flakes, pellets, Frozen Mysis, etc.


Active Member
5 days.....
I think I saw her nibble at a seaweed sheet earlier.....
She's nice and plump, but don't want her getting scrawny...
Will keep watching....

jonny bolt

If yer tank is 4 years, I am sure there is plenty of stuff for it to graze on. It is probably ok for now I would be willing to bet. Once it gets used to the "feeding cycle", like when the lights go and off etc etc, I bet it will start to eat more. Mine took a few days to start getting used to the feeding cycle. All the damn thing does all day is graze off the live rock all day lol. Eat N poop HAHAAHA. I feed mine Formula 2 pellets, Marine S pellets, Emerald Entree, and some other stuff. It also gets the normal treats like Brine Shrimp, frozen and live. I have put some Nori in the tank for it, but mine seems to want nothing to do with the sheet-type algae.


Active Member
The best luck I've had with getting finicky eaters to eat is this...
Buy some live brine shrimp and see if it will eat them... if so, step two.
Mix Brine shrimpw with Kent's liquid Garlic... Fish love the smell of it. Even my snails and Brittle Stars love the smell of it.
Next, mix frozen with live Brine and Kent's Garlic.
Slowly quit introducing Brine.
My *theory* is that the Brine stimulate feeding and the Liquid Garlic begins to act as a trigger. So, hopefully, the smell of the garlic triggers the fish to go into feeding mode.