help getting the residual salt off the glass top


Active Member
I used some fine steel wool and LIGHTLY went back and forth over my top with water and Dawn dish detergent and it took it off very quickly. I have read that a person risks scratching, but my glass never.


Active Member
It is probably etched into the glass... If the haze is not salt, but micro scratches, then the only thing you can do is buff the glass with a fine wet sandpaper.
I had a problem with hazy glass on my tank and finally just got rid of it. I cut a piece of plastic egg crate material and used it for a lid. No etching, better gas exchange with the surface of the water, and my tank runs a lot cooler. I should have ditched the glass top years ago...
i just put mine in the tub and rinse them soap and water everythigns coems off. be sure to risne them real good beofre you put them back on


Active Member
Originally Posted by drtash
yes, the top glass covers. I tried the wet sandpaper today. Did not take it off completely.

I think you can get some polishing compounds for glass that "may" work. Problem is... the etching will eventually come back. Hot lights and dried salt don't mix well on glass.