help...goby is making the water cloudy


I just bought a diamond goby to clean my sand. He's doing a great job. The problem is as he sifts, the lighter silt is clouding up my tank, and covering my rocks. I don't know how to cure the problem.
Should I..
1 Add more powerheads to keep it from landing on the rocks, in which case the water is still cloudy.
2 Add less current near the bottom so it doesn't blow all over.
3 Add a hang on skimmer... I already have a skimmer in my sump.
Any ideas would be great. matt


Actually, all your suggestions will help some but nothing that I know of will total eliminate the sand being kicked around. I know of others that were so fed up with having to uncover their rocks and coral that they traded their goby back to the lfs. So I guess you’ll have to experiment with it. Good luck.

jonny bolt

Thats why I decided to go with a smaller Goby. I got an Orange Spotted Goby, and he doesnt act foolish. The only time he "kicked up dust", was when I first got my Atlantic Pygmy Angel. Nudd didnt like the Angel swimming by him suddenly, and he would take off quick. Once he got used to the Angel, he just sits there now and lets the Angel swim by. My friend has a Diamond Goby, and he doesnt kick up much stuff either, but he has had his Diamond for almost a year. Not sure, but maybe in time he might cool his jets a little? :)


thanks to all. One question. The LFS called him a diamond goby, but he has orange spots, I thought that they were the same thing. Reading everyone'e replies I guess they aren't the same thing. Are they?

jonny bolt

No, an Orange Spotted Goby is different. It is in the "shrimp goby" class cuz it doesnt get quite as big as the Diamond Goby and other. Also, the Orange Spotted Goby has black areas where his front "feets" are :)