Help Green Algae


New Member
We'll I have run into a problem I think. I have this green algae and it is all over my live rock and glass. It looks hairy on the rock but slimmy on the glass. It covers even the purple coraline algae. I have had this 100 G tank for a little over a year. About 2 wks ago had red slime and took the rock out and scrubbed it and used that red slime control and it was gone but about a week later got all this green algae and tried API algae fix but it aint workin. I was doing 20% water changes with RO water and started doing 20% weekly but to no affect. Here are my Tank Parameters
100G tank
SG 1.023
Amonia 0
Ph 8.2
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Phosphates 0.2
Temp. 80
Stocking level:
1 Blue Tang, 1 Yellow Tng, 2 Lwnmwr blennies, 1 clown fish, 1 Coral banded shrmp, 1 red shrmp, 1 sandsifting star, 10 hermits, 6 turbo snails and recently added a green star polyp coral and green zoa.
Lighting T-5 HO 4-54W Oddysea, and Fish need it 2-54w T-5 HO Lights are on 10hrs a day. lights are 6mo. old


i have the same problem, dont know what to do either....


Tap water or Reverse osmosis? it's probably the phosphates, or how old are your lights? I had bad hair algae then I started using a phosphate sponge. and if not already doing it RO water.


I just went through the same thing when I changed from PC lighting to MH. I had to reduce lighting schedule, not overfeed, more water changes and Phosphate pads and most important were good flow to all areas and hitting it everyday with a tooth brush. It's a pain and seemed like it would never end. Also make sure your tank is not in any direct sunlight. Good luck.


Originally Posted by jmj6239
Tap water or Reverse osmosis? it's probably the phosphates, or how old are your lights? I had bad hair algae then I started using a phosphate sponge. and if not already doing it RO water.
used tap, phosphate sponge? never heard of it? do the make them for emporer 400 dble bio wheel filter?


New Member
I think what he is getting at is that your tap water may contain and excessive amounts of phosphate. Phosphate control is your best option. Seachem makes a product called Phosguard, it comes in a big container or in ready to use pouches. I would get (2) of the pouches (they come in a small box, 1 per box), take the gray trays out of your Emperor 400 and drop them in the filter. Make sure you rinse them first and take them out when they turn brown. I have done this and have had good results.


New Member
well I might have found the problem, I never had a alk test kit and so I went and got one and my alk was 6dkh so I bufferred it and its now a 9dkh, but I checked my phosphate this morning and they are up to .5 is that bad? I have even checked my RO water and I always have a little Phosphate like .1 to .2 My RO membrane is only a year old and I regularly back flush and I just changed both filters on it about a month ago. I only have a 3 stage RO kit, I guess I should ask would a 3 stage RO kit get rid of all Phosphates?


New Member
Also its been like 2 days since I've scrubbed my rocks off and used that alk buffer and I've been using that Algae Fix and its not growing back. So hopefully it was just my ALK being off.


When I had my problem I used algaefix with no results. What finally got rid of mine was more flow and reduced lighting. Water changes are the most important and hit problem areas with a toothbrush until it is gone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hoseman77
well I might have found the problem, I never had a alk test kit and so I went and got one and my alk was 6dkh so I bufferred it and its now a 9dkh, but I checked my phosphate this morning and they are up to .5 is that bad? I have even checked my RO water and I always have a little Phosphate like .1 to .2 My RO membrane is only a year old and I regularly back flush and I just changed both filters on it about a month ago. I only have a 3 stage RO kit, I guess I should ask would a 3 stage RO kit get rid of all Phosphates?
Alk is not the problem...The phosphate is.. .5 is a bad reading and its prolly higher than that.. The algae is consuming alot of phos. so it can grow. try adding a DI to the RO unit.. will produce water thats a little better. I have a 6stage with 2DI,0TDS.
Lots of water changes, cut back the lighting (how old are the bulbs I missed that), Cut back on feedings. Best thing to do in the situation and more flow


otherwise try a phosphate sponge, seachem and kent are ones I have tried, it is bead form and used the same way as Carbon, add to your filters.