Help green carpet anenome dying


New Member
Hi, I have a green carpet anenome that is dying. Everything else in my tank is fine. It is under my metal halide light and it keeps getting big and then shrinking. It is at the bottom of my tank in the gravel. Can anyone tell me what it is missing. Also I have a question about my colt coral. It is beautiful very full and pretty. I am worried because a bubble anenome has moved close to it. Will the anenome sting it? Right now it seems unaffected by it but should I move it? It is at the base of the coral and touches it sometimes. Thanks for your help.
My Tank
80pds live rock
Metal halide + actinics + power compact


Active Member
what makes you say hes dying?, they do that time to time to get rid of waste, when he dies more than likely it will fall apart,
as for the Colt I would try to move the BTA away from it if possible


Active Member
thats ok, do you see goo coming out ?, anemones only have one opening, mouth and exit, is the color ok?


New Member
No that looks great compared to it. It's mouth is gaping open and it looks really small and kind of flat on the gravel. You can see the white insides that is how much its mouth is gaping. Its color does not look that great either. It has done this a lot of times over the past week and it gets really small flat limp and mouth gaping open then it slowly recovers and gets sorda big again but it never gets fully open. Right now it looks almost dead It probably will not recover this time. I have seen an anenome die before and this is how they looked before they died.


Active Member
what do you feed it? what type of lights, size tank, ?
water quality? and are you really a model?


Active Member

Originally posted by plum70rt
and are you really a model?

Down boy Down!!!
Remember me, Huh????
:D ;) :p
On a more serious note, questions about water quality, feeding, etc are important. How long have you had it?


New Member
My tank is 80gls and I have 80pds of live rock. I have a metal halide light that is around 500 watts I think. It lights most of my tank. It would light the whole thing but I only have it on one side and I have it angled toward the other side. The other side of my tank is dimmer. I have the 40watt half and half power compact on the other side. I also have a actinic flourescent bulb that goes all along the back of the tank. The water quality is
nitrates 5
nitrites 0
ph 8.2
ammonia 0
temp 78
salinity 1.025
I have had it about a month and it has never looked that great. I feed it shrimp but I have not been able to feed it lately because it has not been able to take it.
I am not really a model but I have posed for a few photographers. I gave up on modeling though because it takes alot of effort to market yourself. Unless you make it big as a supermodel and I am a little to short. I just use the name alot because it is never taken and a lot of people know me by it.


Active Member
Just a warning, I had a carpet anenome that died and killed all the livestock in the aquarium. Muerto, dead, nada, all gone. If you really think it is dying it might be time to take it back to the lfs for store credit. BTW, my anenome died(I think) because a shrimp go into it and ate it up. Well the anenome showed that shrimp. Ever try to flush a carpet anenome, not fun.


Active Member
Just wanted to make sure that Julia Roberts is not having Anemone trouble:D , JK
Ophiura, You are still the queen of the starfish to me;)
I was very Impressed with that long post of yours, Large and in Charge, I like it, I thought Beth was Tough, You ROCK:) I was afraid to post a comment, the flames were too high already:eek:
Ok , that water looks good, what else you got in there with him ? ever eat any of your fish?


Active Member
it depends, I had a condi dissapear in the rocks never to be seen again, no ill effects but I have a big tank ,if I had a 29 it might of been different


Active Member
:D LOL. Just remember, I could always turn to Buzz!! :D All I can say, is don't tick me off after a week like this :( I really have no tolerance for BS right now.
I am having a bit of trouble getting past the flushing a dead anemone vision...
Lebowski, definitely depends on the tank, the anemone, etc, but it is definitely a major major disaster in smaller tanks. Now I don't have a 262g tank :D but I would keep a close close eye on any anemone appearing to turn south. Fortunately, it is easy to know when they are dead, because the look like a giant ball of snot, and smell like you wouldn't believe. Quite possibly the worst thing I have ever smelled...ever. Unmistakeable.
Sorry, Juliamodel, I am not sure what to tell you at this point. Hopefully Bang Guy or others will jump in. Definitely doesn't sound good though.


Active Member
Yep the next thing ,is the sniff test:( mine has gone through a period where he looked crummy for a week moved then was happy again,
Sweet Sue, what kind of tank do you have I never saw a pic of it?


Active Member
Just 2 nanos with not much in them. Just my brittlestars. Why do you people bother with anything else anyway????? :D


New Member
Well I came home and the anenome is back up again. It looks like maybe I could feed it now. I do not know what to do. This has been going on for a while now. If anyone had saw it before they would have said it was a goner. I even thought it was the end this time. Does anybody know what could cause this? Could it have to much light or does it need to be in a current? I also have these weird stringy worms about the size of fishing line that are all over my tank. Could they hurt it? Maybe my test kit is not working it is a little old but if it is old then why is everything else in my tank healthy. Could starvation cause the anenome to do this? Because I have this greedy clownfish and tang. I am not sure if they have ever let this anenome eat. They always steal his food. I realized recently that they were doing this but by that time I could not feed it anymore.


Active Member
Julia, get a stick or tongs, whatever you use to feed the anemone and make sure he gets the food, a healthy anemone is sticky and should close right up on his food