Help Green Hair Alge !!! !!! !!!


New Member
Anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of green hair alge? This stuff will not go away please advise. I have a 55 gallon with 30 lbs of live rock 20 lbs live sand a couple corals and a couple fish. With power compacts.
thanks :help:


Active Member
sound jus like my problem
only i got t-5's
i heard snails r good (hats y i bought them for my tank)
they r good but u no how snails r SLOW!!
but they do the job
how old is ur tank?
wen did u put ur PC lights in and for how long?


New Member
well i just moved so my tank is rather new but i saved most the water and sand so it was really easy to reestablish. I have had the lights just since early beggining of the summer, and also this is when the problem started. I just need to know how to controll this stuff it grows so fast i do not think snails are going to take care of it.


Active Member
i got a 55, i got my new lights 2 weeks ago, noticed the algea about a week after, i got 12-15 snails on saturday, and now my tank looks cleaner than b4


i have algea everywhere, i was told to buy a lawn mower blenny... now whenever i come home i see his lip prints all over my glass, lol but the hair algea is still growing like weeds on my rock.. ugh!!!


first find the reason for the hair algae: Are you feeding to much.. Are you useing tap water or RO water. How old are your bulbs. How long are they on. What are you phosphate levels. I there too many fish in your tank. Are you keeping up with the up keep of your tank. Just some of the causes of Hair algae. Once you find the source of the problem you can treat it. But it takes along time.


Active Member
sea hair, i had some proplems with it to but then i picked up a sea hair and now its gone