Help Had 3 percs added another...fighting


We have had 3 false percs together (they were our first fish) 2 of the percs became a mated pair and would leave the other clown out of the loop so to speak so about a week ago we decided to add another false perc to the tank so that the 3rd clown would have a friend, since then the 2 paired clowns attack him at every chance. I think it is mainly the male who strikes first and then the female comes in to join after but she never initiates it. The new clown is litterally been chased up and down the tank pinned in behind the heater, rocks, u name it. Now the 3rd clown never messes with the new clown at all, seems like she tries to console him after the other 2 have attacked him. When the lights are out they leave him alone but as soon as the lights come back on they're at it again. What should we do? Take the new clown back to fish store, take the aggressive pair out and reintroduce,,,any suggestions wouod be helpful...thanks


So should I take him and the other nin pair clown to the lfs or should i keep the other clown in the tank since theother two dont seem to be bothered by her?


sounds like a good excuse to start another tank to me


well i felt sorry for him so I gave him to the lfs he will defenitly be better off at least i hope he will