Help! Hair Alge!


Major hair alge outbreak!!! All levels are zero, have a phospate sponge media in filter, I have seemed to slow down the rate of growth but I cant seem to stop it...i pull loads of the rocks and out of my coals polups every week! I have been using STOP hair alge, it isnt helping much....any one know of anything that will kill or eat this alge??!! P.S it is 10gal nano so what every might eat this alge has to be able to live in a small tank....I have the classic turbo snail and hermits as a clean up crew. HELP! :happyfish


Active Member
The first step is finding the souce.
1) How old are you lights
2) Do you have any natural sunlight getting in
3) Check you phosphate level(i know you have a sponge, but what is the level)
4) How old is the tank
5) I use red hermits to keep in under control.
Hope this helps. to get started correcting you issue! :thinking:


are you useing ro water. i know in my tank if im out of ro it dosnt take long to have an outbreak with tapwater.


You need to first find the cause. you can take out your live rock a little at a time, and scrub it with a tooth brush, rinse it in old tank water, and put it back in. Buy more snails, they love hair algae. per gal. would not hurt.


My phospahte leves are always at zero....
I only have a few hermits(they keep killing eachother), one turbo snail and a bunch of those little snails that go under the sand, forgot the name.
It may be my lighs, the bulb is about 8 months old? is that too old? The tank is kind of near a windo, but the curtain is always shut by it.
I am moving the tank home in a few weeks, i think i will srcub the rocks then, since it will be all broken down...
How can i get it out from between the polups my my buttons, stars and yellows? when i try to just pull it off i pull off the polups too
Thanks for the input everyone! :happyfish


Thanks....I'll pick up a few tomarrow....what about a sea hare? i have heard they eat it. :happyfish


I am going to help you out major here. Get a Sea Hare. Let me tell you, I put one in my tank and the next morning I would say 30% was gone. by the week the tank was 100% hair algea free.
And do water changes.
Sea Hare are the best!!


Thanks....i gave up the chance to get one a month ago, I went for an orange eye urchin instead! BAD IDEA! the urchin didnt eat any alge and made it impossible forme to pull it out! It was painful! I ended up bringing it back, now the store doesnt have sea hares
I'll keep an eye out though.