help, hair and bubble algae problem


Hello all,
I had my tank running for about a year, then had to pick up and move up north. I've been up north for approximately 6 months now and did not have this problem until about a month ago. I've been siphoning the bubble and hair algae but it keeps on coming back so I just recently bought some phosban and it's currently placed in my sump tank. In addition I just ordered a reef cleaner package with about 60 hermit crabs and 4 emerald crabs and should be receiving it this coming Tuesday. I hoping this will fix the problem but if it doesn't, what else can I do to help alleviate the problem? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. The water parameter in my tank is kept very low if not zero, however ammonia and nitrate does sometimes go above zero. Thanks to all that replies.


Active Member
You have got to find the source, possibly your water. I'd check it for parameters including PO4 to rule out the top off and water change water as the culprit. Also, nitrates, lighting etc. I've been fighting hair algae myself. I have a 135 so no way my emerald crab could keep up with it and I've been siphoning and toothbrushing rock like crazy. I'm keeping up the maintenance and water checks, run phosphate sponge but, the thing that is helping me the most in the short run is I bought a purple urchin. That thing eats it like crazy. It also eats the corraline though. If you do get one just be sure that you have another good home for it to go to if it gets too carried away eating your algae.


Just an FYI on the testing. Don't be suprised if you run some tests and find that your parameters are normal. During an outbreak the algae can comsume the "problem" nutirents so fast that the tests may not be able to indentify the problem.


Thanks for the replies, I retested my water parameters and it turned out my nitrate level is up a bit. Therefore I took some measures to bring it down. I have been doing 20% water changes twice a week for about 2 weeks now, I got a huge cleaner package (100 snails, 75 crabs), a yellow tang, changed out my dirty foam filters, and I'm running Phosban in my Sump. So far it seem like the algae is going away slowley but surely. Again thanks again for all the help.