Help Help,, Anemone Help!! Emergency Pt 2 With Pics!


Active Member
HI all,, i am very frustrated, MY f-ing hippo tang and even my Saddleback clown are picking at my LTA'S foot and have created a little dead spot or "sore" on my LTA'S foot and seem to be stressing it a little,, the HIPPO especially keeps picking at the "sore" WHAT CAN I DO??? WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF NOT DOING ANYTHING? should i leave it and see what happens? I thought anemones were supose to be poisoness to all fish but CLOWNS but my hippo is so bold to even swim through the tentacles a little "I swear"



Active Member
I covered the foot with a cut styrofoam cup,, DOES ANYBODY KNOW OR THINK STYROFOAM IS TOXIC.. OR SHOULD IT BE OK?? REGARDS!


Active Member
I put a dead Clam shell on top of it, it was a BLUE MICRO, whatever you call that thing and its pretty heavy! Anythoughts on toxicisty? regards!


Active Member
Looks like maybe a condy anemone, which do not live in the sand. Put it on the rocks so it has something to attach to.


Active Member
I know styrofoam is toxic when heated in the microwave, but not sure under water?
IMO - I wouldnt try it, Unless you can get a deffinate answer, better safe than sorry.
I think it might do better in/around rocks, but not sure?


Originally Posted by CGRANT
I know styrofoam is toxic when heated in the microwave, but not sure under water?
IMO - I wouldnt try it, Unless you can get a deffinate answer, better safe than sorry.
I think it might do better in/around rocks, but not sure?
IMO if you can drink coffee out of styrofoam cups, it will be fine.


Originally Posted by rusting
IMO if you can drink coffee out of styrofoam cups, it will be fine.
Agreed. I dont know why you would use it though :notsure: Just stick it near a rock and it will attatch itself to it.


Active Member
I have wedged my CONDI between a couple of rocks and now he looks really really well, has fully extended and his foot is no longer being nibbled at, NATURE, especiall Salt water tanks are amazing, just do what mother nature is suppose to do ea, put the CONDI in rocks, and things just seem to take of themselves! Kind Regards! P.S As you can you see from the second PIC my Hippo Tang and My Saddleback clown have a strange relashionship. they are really best friends and always together. My Clown will rush into the CONDI and shake up loose particles which the Hippo gladly eats up! DOes anybody else have any other unusual fish friendships they wish to share?? or shall we start a NEW THREAD?



My maroon clown and my hippo tang, kinda do the same thing. Alot of people say their Marrons are very agressive but mine is friendly. I can even put my hand rite next to the anenome he lives in.