Help Help,, Anemone Help!! Emergency


Active Member
I have awoken to fing my beautiful long tentacle not in his usual space,, frantically looking for him everywhere, he has wandered to the back of the tank and has some tenticle and bodice caught in the intake of my filtration eclipse pre-filter screen,,, what should i do??? 90 percent looks fine, but its that 10% that has been sucked into the prefilter mesh.. I obviously disconnected the power and took the assembly apart, the part thats in there is in there pretty good!, DOES HE HAVE THE ABILITY TO WORK HIMSELF OUT OF THE PRE-FILTER.. somebody gimme some good advice!!! THANX!!


we have had to remove them. you have to be VVEERRYYYY careful. hold tube under water to were you can see it and slowly with a dull plastic spatula work to slowly pry it off, but try not to spend to much time handling it. it's a sticky situation, but be patenit.


Active Member
Thank-you pegandgrif, you gave me the strength to be agressive but gentle to remove my anemone, which i did! BUT now he is SUPER Stressed! Shriveled, etc my Clown is agressively trying to revive him "no kidding" By forcibly swimming in his tentatcles, so i guess its a wait and see game!! will let anybody who is interested know what happens, again THANKS PEGADNGRIF! the way he looked inside the pre-fillter, i dont think he could have worked himself out by himself!


Sorry I didn't see this sooner.
I've had it happen a few times now, every time the anemone has been able to work its way out on its own, just by shutting things off.
My recommendation would be to run some fresh carbon, and do a small water change in order to keep things clean and healthy. Please check all your water parameters for anything out of order.
Time is the healer here, no much else to do but wait.


Active Member
It was done PegandGrif's way,, it is out, so be it semi forcibly, but i did not compromise the Skin of the Anemone,, it is now super stressed, so now it IS a wait and see! if it doesnt pull through, what can i do? I Really and Whole heartedly apreciated PeggandGrif's advice in my "crisis" and if it doesnt pull through, i will mourn, toss this one and get ANOTHER one even bigger.. I think thats the bottom line, no?


What you really need to do is cover the intake of your filter and of any powerheads in order to prevent a re-occurence with this or any other anemone.


Active Member
IMO if the body is still ok then it should pull thru with flying colors. They are delicate but resilient none the less. Like Thomas stated, run carbon and a small water change. You may see some for while the affected side will keep closed but this is “normal” after such an “attack” with a wound. My caribbean carpet did it too, after it settled down and calmed its self from the stress it opened up a little and I offered it some small amounts of meaty foods to help promote a faster healing time. Now its back to its O’l self. Crazy ball of snot, loved to move from two places. It learned its lesson. Mind you it was the size of a golf ball when it happed, now it’s bigger then a softball, and has not moved since.



glad to see that you were able to remove it. ours too has been threw the ringer a couple times, with rocks folling on it during a rearranging of the lr. and the clowns work to revive it. mine is now on the bottom oppesate side of the tank from the filter. it's only moved about an inch in a circle if that much in last couple months. yes do check you water perimators, nitrates esspecialy. we just now discovered that our tap even when treated has nitrates. we now buy r.o. or distilled. nitrates do effect inverts. we have lost 2 rock animoneis
, but the long tintical is doing great :cheer: .


Active Member
Took a while after all that shock and stress! Thanks to anybody who offered help! Now i will keep a closer eye on him!
