HELP HELP HEL P HELP!!!!! Squirrel Fish.


New Member
I have a squirrel fish and he was healthy a few minutes ago before I fed him ghost shrimp. My local fish store said it was O.K to feed them freshwater ghost shrimp and I even looked online and it said the same. At first he was eating them just fine then all of a sudden he starts shaking and going to the corner. Im afraid I made a terrible mistake and that he might die. Please if anyone can help me that would be great.


Ghost Shrimp should be fine for him. Is there stray voltage in your tank?
Is this a new fish? What else is with him? Mind posting some parameters?


New Member
First off Thank You for replying because I feel horrible. All my parameters are great that's the first thing I did when he started to freak out. This is the first time I have ever fed this fish feeder shrimp. I have always fed him frozen brine for the past three years so I'm hoping hes just not used to it and he will be over it in the morning. No stray voltage at all as well. Now he just appeared with ich tonight and I put a reef safe chemical in it but I don't recollect fish convulsing over ich. Maybe they do? I don't know. Again thank you for replying.


Are you positive that it's ich?
He shouldn't be convulsing from ich or from feeder shrimp, BUT, most "reef safe" chemicals for ich, end up killing the fish. In my honest opinion, there's only two true ways to cure ich, Copper (which can't go in a reef tank) - mainly Cupramine, or hypo-salinity (which also can't be done in a reef).
What else is with him? Did you add a new fish recently that may have brought in a parasite?


New Member
As of right now he has been alone for 8 months because he likes to eat everything. He has white spots around his face and lip and one spot on his body. Right now in my tank are 2 big bali rocks thats about it. I had this ich treatment awhile back..


New Member
As of the moment no I don't have a camera my wife has it and she's out of town. I know it would benefit me to show you but I don't have a camera handy. I'm sorry


Ah, that sucks. Cell phone with camera? (although they usually suck) ...
Is it acting any better? Try offering it brine shrimp, since that is what it is used to eating and see if it calms down.


Moving forward, I would position a powerhead so that the surface is aggitated. Some of these ich "cures" will deplete the water of oxygen.