HELP HELP HELP my water is white!


Active Member
No need IMO, to add buffers or any other chemicals to your tank. All of the trace elements and minerals needed are in the salt and are replenished by doing your weekly water changes.
That being said, if you do decide to add for calcium for whatever reason, don't ever add anything that you can't or don't test for. Just my opinion, and how I do my tanks.


Active Member
i had a freind of mine test the calcium awhile back (like 3 weeks before this happened) and i was low, like i forget the number but it was way less than 400. so ive been using some of the same stuff she uses, as the label instructed.
i do water changes once a week, 3 gallons.
my test kits are like 6 months old.
just tested today, all parameters are perfect, ive even managed to finally get my trates down to 0.
i hate freshwater, and as long as i can support my SW tank (im not about to get into the reason im sometimes low on cash as ive already pissed enough people off on this site. lol) i will. ive the livestock start to suffer, they will be gone ASAP.
the water problem only lasted like 3 days and has been clear and beautiful ever since.
sorry this whole thing is kind of random im just trying to answer all the questions in the shortest amount of time.


#1 - Adding Freshwater in a quantity like 5 gal, in my opinion, can not do any good. You will drop the salinity, calcium, and jack-up your phosphates, chlorine, and whatever else is in the water.
#2 - Tell your mom she is to NEVER touch your tank unless she wants to take the time to LEARN how to care for it.
#3 - Hate to beat a dead horse. Yea, there are more important things than your aquarium. But once you decide to bring living beings into your bedroom, you need to have a small fund set aside. A 5 gallon bucket of RO is $1.94. And calcium tests are free at ANY reputable LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by New2Salt1
#1 - Adding Freshwater in a quantity like 5 gal, in my opinion, can not do any good. You will drop the salinity, calcium, and jack-up your phosphates, chlorine, and whatever else is in the water.
#2 - Tell your mom she is to NEVER touch your tank unless she wants to take the time to LEARN how to care for it.
#3 - Hate to beat a dead horse. Yea, there are more important things than your aquarium. But once you decide to bring living beings into your bedroom, you need to have a small fund set aside. A 5 gallon bucket of RO is $1.94. And calcium tests are free at ANY reputable LFS.
1- then how do you suggest i do water changes if not with fresh mixed salt??? unless it is an emergency i always age it a week before putting it in the tank.
2-oh believe me, she got it.
3- i am not saying that i am right by spending money on other things before my aquarium, but really, if i could not provide for my livestock believe me they would be gone. in that one particular emergency, i did not have the cash on hand to run out and buy a ton of stuff.
4- i am saving up for a ro unit, untill then i am getting water from my cousin who lives up the street, she recently had a reverse osmosis system installed for drinking water.