Originally Posted by New2Salt1
#1 - Adding Freshwater in a quantity like 5 gal, in my opinion, can not do any good. You will drop the salinity, calcium, and jack-up your phosphates, chlorine, and whatever else is in the water.
#2 - Tell your mom she is to NEVER touch your tank unless she wants to take the time to LEARN how to care for it.
#3 - Hate to beat a dead horse. Yea, there are more important things than your aquarium. But once you decide to bring living beings into your bedroom, you need to have a small fund set aside. A 5 gallon bucket of RO is $1.94. And calcium tests are free at ANY reputable LFS.
1- then how do you suggest i do water changes if not with fresh mixed salt??? unless it is an emergency i always age it a week before putting it in the tank.
2-oh believe me, she got it.
3- i am not saying that i am right by spending money on other things before my aquarium, but really, if i could not provide for my livestock believe me they would be gone. in that one particular emergency, i did not have the cash on hand to run out and buy a ton of stuff.
4- i am saving up for a ro unit, untill then i am getting water from my cousin who lives up the street, she recently had a reverse osmosis system installed for drinking water.