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I found the watchman...he looks really bad he was stuck under a rock but is still alive..what do i do i dont have a seprate tank to put him in to i leave him in there and hope for the best or shoud i take him out and put him in a somthing by himself???? please help


Active Member
The problem is that on top of injury, your fish has a lot of stress. If you leave him in there he could get sick and hurt the rest of your fish. Also they could pick on him and kill him... On the other hand, if you chase him all over the tank trying to catch him you may kill him due to stress as well. If you can carefully catch him and put him in his own tank (or clean bucket) then that would be best. Be easy on him... turn off the lights and let him be in the dark. Give him just enough light to not be in complete darkness. If he develops ICH then you may need to medicate him in his own tank. The biggest thing is to let him have time alone in peace and quiet so that he can heal. Feed him lightly and avoid startling him.


Although it is best to seperate him, sometimes it is best to just leave them alone!
Good Luck!



Here is what he looks like. The other fish are leaving him alone. A hermit came by him but just went away. The best i could do if i catch him is put him in a 5 gal bucket with water from the dt. Is that best or think i should keep an eye on him in the tank for a little bit


it may even be worthwhile to to get yourself a breeder net, it hangs inside you DT and try to get him in there, turn the lights off for an hour , then try to catch him quietly!


Active Member
My midas blenny fell out of a rock that i had out of the tank and fell onto the garage floor, then my husband sorta kicked him across the floor (didn't see him) He looked real dark and near death when we put him back in the tank. We turned off the lights and he sat in the corner of the tank like your watchmen was doing. That was afew months ago, he was back to normal in afew hrs. What happened, did the rock cave in on him?


Yeah I guess he burrowed under and it caved in on him. Thanks for the hope I hope mine recovers too! He is one of my favorites! Thanks for the help


Active Member
I'm really glad you found him and alive. Mine has been missing for about 2 months now and we have no hope left for him.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Great to see Famous.
Just leave him alone as long as no one is harrassing him.
Yeah, I agree, he doesn't look bad at all, just give him time to settle.


Still looking good! Im so glad his color started to come back and he actually ate some last night. I will keep you guys posted on his progress. Thanks again for all the help!