
Today i was feeding my fishs Freeze dried brine shrimp and the phone rang ,I answer it and i left the hood open and the brine shrimp in the table and my son that ist 3 years old took it and pour the hold jar in the tank ,i been trying to removed it but its taking a long time can you guys give me any ideas of how to remove it? do you guys think that i'm gonna have problems in my tank because of this? thanks. :confused: :confused:


geez aren't the little ones great ;) By all means get out as much as you can, you will have to watch that your nitrate (long term) and ammonia (short term) levels don't spike.
If all else fails, I would clean the substrate and maybe do a partial water change.
Have fun!
been there!!


Active Member
like webnstuff said; keep a close eye on the nitrates for awhile.
you may think you got it all, but chances are that you didn't. keep testing to be safe.
btw. hope the little guy didn't get into trouble. :)


Active Member
Hey Salttrigger, I'm glad to hear you got it all out, I had that happen to me in my QT, one of the kids I take care of dumped a whole can of flake into it. OH WHAT FUN!!!
Later Lisa


the good thing about my tank its that it has a over/flow built-in, so i just used a power head and send everything to the overflow and just changes the filter pad. i tested the water and so far everything its fine. thanks
When ever I am trying to get rid of leftovers or I just want to suck the ditritus off the rocks I get my siphon for water changes.
I attach an old white sock to one end with those rubber bands pet stores use to tie bags with and put that end in the sump. I then start the siphon going by putting the open end in front of the powerhead exit.
After sucking up dibris I just toss the old sock and find another.