HELP HELP my tank is being overtaken by algae?


New Member
Hello everyone kinda a lurker around here but recently past couple water changes on my 125 this frickin green algae has literally overtaken my tank... i dunno what to do... any help please?



im no expert but i do know emerald crabs will eat hair algae which its looks like thats what you got so maybe get alot of them lol


and a ro unit I think crabs would get lost there has to be nitrates and phosphates in your water


and prob replace your bulbs old lights can cause algae in a bad way


New Member
oh i forgot to tell yall what i have for stock
1 yellow tang
1 foxface
1 clown
1 lawnmower blenny
1 goby
and about 25 crabs
2 cleaner shrimp
i try to add fish but they keep getting stressed out from my other fish they are very territorial


how long since your filters were changed a tds meter would tell you I had to replace my filters after 1 year and for the lights if they are MH change them now and if flourescents change the bulbs about 4- 6 months ago


Active Member
OK at this point if It was me..
1) take the rock out and scrub it..and scrub it...and scrub it
2) massive water changes
3) test your water daily for a week
4) only use RO water, if you are not already
5) you could add more CUC, but really at this point that will not help you unless do all the above also.
I am no pro but that's what I would do, hope it helps you and good luck!!


Active Member
one more thing...this most likely didn't happen overnite so if you see it starting again, jump on it fast!!! wow I just keep looking at that pic, that is a amazing amount of algae!!!


Check you phospate and nitrate levels. You could be over feeding your fish which can cause your phospate and nitrate levels to go up. Also ensure proper water circulation in your tank (15 to 20 times). I would do a couple of water changes. To remove the hair algae you can use a small toothbrush and slowly remove the algea. Turbo snails are also very good at removing it but I am surprise that you tang and foxface does not remove it.
Also what skimmer do you have? A good skimmer is always a must. You could also use phosguard and denitrate.
I wouldn't scrub the LR because you're going to scrub off all that is good and things you want. If it has coraline on it you could scrub it off, any bacteria could be scrubbed off, etc...
You could begin by simply plucking it off, there is way too much for the blenny to take care of. It's like having 3 miles of grass to cut and you only have a push mower.
Kill the lights for a while. Cut down on how long the tank is lit up, make sure there is no direct sunlight hitting the tank, if there is cover the part of the tank with something to stop it from doing so.
Check the levels of trates from the RO unit. If the media is old it won't continue giving you that quality. You could be getting not-so-good- filtered tap that still has all that junk in it.
I had that exact same hair algae 3 years ago. I fought with it for months before I just killed the lights completely for 2 months. The hair algae died off due to lack of lighting. All I did was pluck out the heavy parts as best as I could and unplugged my lights. Now I get small bits on the rear glass, but the Nass. and Turbo snails take care of it just fine.


test your water before going in to the tank to check for phosphates and nitrates because the hair algae will consume it and it will show a zero even if there is a problem my tank looked like yours once and now it dont this is what I did
buy a big ball of chaeto
replace ro filters and I put in newe bulbs
thenpull out as much hair algae as you can and go at your rocks with a toothbrush let the powerheads and your sponges collect it
and the chaeto will try and take over the nutrient export that the algae was doing


Active Member
i think you should take all the rock out...either scrub it clean or get enitrly new rock..i know that doesnt sound good, but you deep in a hole that will be hard to dig out take the rocks out..put some PH down into the tank, and leave hte light off for a few days...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
You are lucky your rockwork does not look pyramided. Take it out hose it off with a good strong stream. Looks like you have Cyano going on also. Sometimes you need chemical help. API makes a product called Algaefix for marine. If you use it make sure you get MARINE. With your size tank I would consider a refuge if you don’t have one already. If you do you need to start growing a higher order of algae. It will out compete the nuisance algae for nutrients in effect starving it. The higher algae are easier to harvest thus. Making your life a whole lot easier


You need a weed wacker! Sorry those pics are insane. Tooth brush, light schedule reduction and phos pads. I hope you have luck in ridding it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
CHI -CHI-CHIA! Look for the cause and fix that first.....
funny.. chia pet... and second that - fix the cause... easier said that done. but you'll have to do more than just scrub/pull/blast that stuff off. if you don't fix the cause, it'll just grow right back...