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New Member
Hey, I am buying a Naso Tang, Aquacultured MultiRock, and 3 Mushroom Polyp - Ricordea,Atlantic Carpet Anemone, and Florida Condi Anemone, . What additives should i get for these? I want to make sure they are healthy in my tank. What should i feed the polyps on the multirock? what should i feed t he Mushroom Polyp - Ricordea. what should i feed the carpet anemone? what should i feed Florida Condi Anemone. Please reply if you ever keep one of these and have feed them!


Active Member
The corals on the multirock and the ricordias do not need to be fed, they get all the energy they need from the lights.
What kind of lights do you have on your tank? The 2 anemones you want need a lot of light, especially the carpet. The carpet should have metal halide lighting IMO.


New Member
i have a 125 gal tank and i ahve pc lights, i didnt know what light it was when i bought it because i was a newbe, so i got 12 bulbs, 8 white lights and 4 acitinic(bluelight) they are each 65 watts so 750 watts together, can i use that lighting?. i heard pc is ok for soft corals and the light should be 24 inches to the tank to reach the bottom.


wow 750 watts of pc shouldve just went with metal halides and it wouldve been cheaper, and more effective in penetrating the water..pcs start losing their effectiveness at about 12"(give or take)..
you could keep the rics and the condy, i have my condy under 300 watts and it has been doing really good, it tripled in size..
regularly feeding your anenomes will help them a lot with their growth rate..


New Member
yea i was a newb when i got my PC lights, but oh well. I am trying to see if the multi rock will do good with the pc lights. what do you feed your anemone?


Active Member
All those stuff you listed will do well, but the carpet is a little iffy to me. You can feed the anemones meaty foods like mysid shrimp, clam, squid etc. 2-3 times a week.


New Member
will frozen food do? i don't know how to feed them clam, or squid or shrimp . sad eh


frozen food--squid,clam,scallop, shrimp, you can get all this at your supermarket and all are ok to feed to your anenomes.


New Member
can i just get frozen food from petstore? if i buy shrimp, scallop, or whatever seafood at the supermarket. how many do i get and how do i feed it to them?


Active Member

Originally posted by Vs
can i just get frozen food from petstore? if i buy shrimp, scallop, or whatever seafood at the supermarket. how many do i get and how do i feed it to them?

Yes, food from the LFS will be fine.
Just buy a bunch, stick them in the freezer, and thaw some out when you need to feed the anemone. Just place the food on its tentacles and it'll eat it.


you can get them from your petstore, but itll most likely be more expensive..and epending on the size of your anenome, about a dime to a quarter sized piece.


New Member
so i can jst go to the store, buy seafood, grind or chop it up and feed? how do i fee dthe anenome? just put it near them and they willl eat it?


Active Member

Originally posted by Vs
how do i fee dthe anenome? just put it near them and they willl eat it?

Originally posted by ViPeR_930

Just place the food on its tentacles and it'll eat it.