Help !! High Nitrates & Cyno-bacteria??

My tank was over fed all week this past week while I was away, came home to Maroon colored algae all over L/R and Nitrates sky high. Ive done partial water change 8 gal but Nitrates are still around 30 is there anything else I can do?? I didnt want to change too much water at once how soon can I do next water change?? :confused:


You could also cut down on how long your lights are on and feed your fish less than usual for a while.
I had high nitrates, adn someone told me to get some Caulerpa because it absorbs the nitrates, adn do at least 1 gal water changes every week (I only have a 7 gal tank, so it may be more for you)
I found the cause of the Cyno, the RO water
unit at my Local Grocery store has been broken but the store failed to so hard telling what was in the water I had done water changes with. Used botteled RO for 40%
water change and cyno is gone but I lost my Brain Coral :mad: Sometimes a deal isnt really a deal I guess.